The guys head out back to play, and I pull my phone out as I wonder off in the direction of the small sitting room. If Penn's here, I assume that's where he'll be.

"Hey." I say without looking up from my phone as I push into the sitting room. Penn is here, he's watching a Star Wars movie. For a change. "You never get bored of watching fucking Star Wars all the time?"

"Didn't know you were coming over." He drawls, and I raise my eyes from my phone screen, taking in the room. I can barely even see him or the TV through the thick layer of smoke hazed throughout the room. He's laying back on the couch nearest the TV with his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. He's high as a fucking jet.

"I wasn't, I ran into Drake. He's out back playing basketball with some other Panthers." I inform as I drop down on to the couch opposite Penn's. He doesn't say anything, he just continues squinting at the TV like he can barely see it. I laugh to myself as I return my attention to my phone.

Tam, 16:54pm: Dinner tonight? We can talk about that 'party' I attended last weekend. We haven't had a proper catch up since? I need to check in with you, Logan.

I sigh. Jason had already filled Tam in on the true nature of the party scene over here, and I'm fine with that. I just didn't want Tam seeing it for himself. He knows I drink, he knows I smoke, he knows I fuck, but he doesn't need to be around it. I'd prefer for him to stay blissfully ignorant to my weekend behaviour. Well, and weeknight sometimes. Often. Just depends.

Me, 18:27pm: I'm at Penn's, we can talk when I get back to the dorms. Don't know how late I'll be. You're gonna see a lot of me tomorrow anyway, remember?

I shove my phone into my pocket violently, refusing to engage in any more texting with Tam. I will be seeing a fucking lot of him tomorrow, like I just said. We'll talk then. I light up my joint and sit back before looking over at Penn again.

He's looking at me in that way of his. When he's trying to decide if he wants to say something or not. I'm usually exceptionally patient with him when he does this, but I've had a frustrating week so far and I'm not in the mood to tip toe around him right now. Besides, he's my boy. He should know he can talk to me about anything he wants to by now.

"Spit it out, dude." I say, my eyes still on the TV. "Say what you're gonna say, or stop staring."

I look around at him and find him frowning at me. He didn't like that? Tough, he's my brother. I shouldn't need to walk on eggshells with him anymore. He has something he wants to say to me, he should know that he can just say it.

"Fine." He practically growls as he stretches his arms out in front of him and straightens up his posture on the sofa. I straighten up too, giving him my full attention, and he actually surprising me by picking up the television remote and pausing the movie.

"Wow, this shit must be serious." I say jokingly, but the pained expression on his face tells me that it really is serious. Damn.

"I have a weird question." He says, his eyes boring a hole in the coffee table. "I don't wanna ask you this, but it's bugging me. So, fuck it."

I wait as he shakes his head quickly while opening his cigarette tin. Like he isn't high enough as it is. Whatever, if more weed will help him ask me his difficult question, fine. He sparks up the joint and takes a long drag, exhaling every last whisper of smoke towards the ceiling before pinning me with a hard look and asking me the last thing I was expecting him to ask.

"Do you talk when you fuck?"

"What?" I say on reflex as my brows pinch together. I don't get it. He sighs sharply while looking away from me. He's shutting off. Shit.

Chord ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora