Chapter one

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  Sammy up top

I walk into school to se Brittany one of the head cheerleaders messing with a super sweet girl. She's nice to everybody no matter who they are. Brittany was telling her how ugly her outfit was. The girl, Sammy, just replied
"you look beautiful today Brittany"
"Shut up" Brittany says as she pushes her books to the ground.
"Why do you let her be so mean to you" I ask
"My grandmother, always tells me to be nice to people unless they give you a reason not to"
"But she bullies you, isn't that a reason"
"No that's a reason to be nicer,
Bye!" She says as she gets up and walks away
I've always had a crush on her. I may be the football captain and can get any cheerleader I please, but she is just perfect.
———————after school———————————
     I walk into mimi's book store. I needed books for school, and my mom told me to go here since she knows the women who owns it. I walk in and we are young is playing throughout the store. Someone is singing in isle three. I walk to the singing and see Sammy singing while dusting and putting books back in place.
"Hey Sammy!" I say
"Oh, hey Grayson!" She says getting down and walking over.
"What can I get you"
"Umm some science textbooks"
She grabs my arm and drags me to another isle.
"So you work here?"
"Kinda, I just help my grandma who owns it. But I do get all the books I want!"
Before I can answer a lady who looks to be in her 40s comes by us.
"Hi Mimi!" Sammy says turning around
"Hi Sammy, who is this?"
"Oh this is Grayson, he's football captain at school." She says pointing to me " he's looking for a science textbook"
"Ah, are you by chance Amy's kid" 'Mimi' says asking me
"Yeah, I am"
"Come on" Sammy says pulling me to the register
"Uh Sammy" I say handing her a 20
"Mhm" she says looking at me
"I was umm, wondering  if you would, if you would like to go out with me tomorrow?" I say shyly
" I would love to" she says hugging me
"K, I'll pick you up after football practice"
"Could I watch you guys practice, apparently my dad played?"
"See you at school!" She says hugging me
"Bye Sammy" I'm so happy right now!
———————third person———————————
Sammy runs to her Mimi and yells " I have a date with Grayson tomorrow!!!!"
"Yay!! I knew you to would be perfect for each other!!"
"Mimi!!" Sammy says
A few hours Sammy in Grayson are both in there houses laying in bed thinking about each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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