The Dream...

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"It's ok Silv! I forgive you-"Gold was cut off by Silvers extremely quick silver-tongue. "You shouldn't. I'm only a mistake, I'll just make your life worse. Now go before I hurt you too." And with that, Silver walked away, head down  in shame of causing more damage to the already fragile world that started collapsing years back. Tears slowly fell drop by drop as Gold just stared and watched the red haired boy walk towards the Pokémon centre.


Blood. Just blood. Footsteps of mindless grunts filled the bloody hallway as they ran in separate directions to fulfil giovannis orders. A 6 year old Silver opened the heavy wooden door with a creek. "D-daddy...?"an innocent voice representing an angels whispered. "What do you want now you mistake? I'm suprised you haven't killed yourself already." a deep satanic sound boomed across the room. "I-I...." "SPEAK UP YOU BRAT. HAVENT YOU BEEN TAUGHT NOT TO WASTE MY TIME?!" Silver desperately reached beyond his limits for more confidence. "I-... I couldn't sleep and..." "That's it? Anything else I should know since a big proportion of my time is wasted already?" "Yes s-sir... I promise not to call you d-daddy again and also... where's phanphy...?" "Good. You remembered. And that stupid weak thing? Oh it's gone now." "Y-Your Joking Right...?" "Hah, why would I be? It was weak as hell so don't bother about it. Now get to sleep before I tell gengar to use scary face on you." Silver scurried out of the nightmare of a office into his room. It wasn't very big considering how rich Giovanni is. It was as big a small walk in closet and only contained a bed. There, he cried himself to sleep about phanphy.

He opened his eyes, knowing he was in his dreams. He saw phanphy laying dead in his arms, looking peaceful in a tormented way. Her left leg was cut off the second she was hatched. Of course by Giovanni. And she was blind in both eyes. Slashed by Giovanni. But her sense of smell made up for her lost vision.

Silver stared. He just stared at phanphy as if it was just asleep and after a while, she would start running around with a cheerful 'PHANPH!'. But it was just a dream. Like any hope of being normal.


Silver shot up out of his bed. Panting and sweating like a meteor just hit them. He had this dream everyday and he couldn't bare it. He had to leave. So with a rope and chair, he ended his life with nothing but a letter and his Pokémon crying at the scene.

A few days later, Gold got back in respero city after being a few routes away. Silvers weavile immediately dragged gold into silvers room. There lay the red haired boy. Peaceful for once. And in his hand grasped a letter. Weavile noticed it and grabbed it for gold. Gold read it out loud-

Dear Gold,
I love you with all my heart but I can't bare this world anymore. All my Pokémon are yours and I hope you take care of them! I know you probably hate me and wanted me to die so that's what I did. I really wished you liked me back...

Love, Silver.

It was a simple letter but at the bottom of the page, you could see the dried tears from silver. Gold looked at the boy another time but this time, he was crying. Gold pecked him on the lips. "Hope you get better soon silv..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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