Start from the beginning

"Just the girl I was looking for." One of them says. Malachai. Shit, it's the Ghoulies.

"What do you--?" I try and snap, but they put a bag over my head and grab me. I struggle against their grip. It's at least three guys carrying me, correction, dragging me to the back of a van.

I'm thrown into the back of a van, and the doors shut behind me. I pull the bag off of my head, and look in front of me.

"What do you want with me?" I ask them.

"We gotta use you for something." One of them answers. It's Malachai's second-in-command, Axson.

"My girlfriend's gonna come for me." I tell them, and squirm as they tie up my hands.

"Oh, girlfriend? You're one of those lesbian bitches, aren't you?" Malachai hisses, and Axson finishes tying my hands together.

"Dude, we could use her for this. I heard her girlfriend's Cheryl Blossom, and she's like, super rich." Axson says.

"Like hold her for ransom?" Malachai floats his idea.

"Shut it, both of you. You both know what we're doing with her." A voice from the front says. It's Penny Peabody.

The one thing they forgot to do, was throw away my phone, because Cheryl installed a tracker on it after she was taken to the Sisters, and she has one on her phone.

She'd know that something was up, she would know that I wouldn't leave Fangs at the hospital. And, she'd come for me.

Soon, the van stops, and I'm dragged out, and sat on a random couch outside. Penny gets out her phone, and calls someone.

"Hello, lover boy. It's your old gal pal." Penny greets. I can only assume that it's Jughead. "Oh, I heard. Riverdale burning to the ground. It's tragic. How about we meet up and talk about it? Hmm? Your old hangout, by the docks?"

She pauses and waits for him to reply.

"'Cause if you don't I'll start craving up your girlfriend's face... Oh, please. Ponytail's a snooze. No, I mean, your Southside Smurfette. What do you think I should start with?" Penny asks.

"Tell her to go to hell, Jughead!" I say, loud enough so he can hear.

"Maybe her tongue, hmm?" Penny questions. "Come now. And alone. It'll just be me and Fogarty here."

She hangs up the phone.


Knowing that Jughead will be here soon, Penny sends the Ghoulies to wait around the corner. Please Jughead, tell me you brought backup with you.

Jughead comes around the corner, alone.

"Hiya, Jones." Penny greets him.

"Faye. Are you okay?" Jughead asks me.

"Jughead, she's not alone." I tell him, and the sound of Malachai kicking over a metal bin sounds.

"Surprise!" Malachai says.

"You said it was just going to be the two of us." Jughead says. And why would you believe her?

"I never go anywhere without backup after what you did to me." Penny replies. "Besides, we need to talk. All of us."

"There's nothing to talk about." Jughead states. "I'm getting Faye and we're leaving." 

"Not so fast." Malachai says, approaching Jughead. "I've been waiting to see you again for a long time." He pointed a taser at Jughead.

"Get back, you hobgoblin." Cheryl says emerging from the shadows and pointing a bow and arrow at Malachai. I breath out in relief. Thank God, Cheryl's here.

"I brought backup too. Like I said, I'm taking Faye and we're leaving." Jughead says.

"Untie her, you Serpent hag." Cheryl demands.

"Take her then." Penny scoffed. Malachai starts to untie me, and he hands linger a lot more that necessary. "But remember, when all your friends are dead, I tried giving you a chance."

I stood up, walked around Jughead, and over to Cheryl. She puts a comforting arm around my waist.

"Why do you keep coming back? What do you want?" Jughead asks.

"The Southside. There's money to be made her in The Town With Pep." Penny answers. "If you're not afraid of getting your hands dirty."

"So, you partnered with the Ghoulies to sell drugs on the Southside." Jughead concludes.

"Bingo. So, here's your offer I want you guys to take back to your tribe." Penny responds. "The Serpents ship out tonight, or it's a showdown with the Ghoulies at Pickens Park at dawn. I'm fine either way."

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