Chapter 16: Merry Christmas Scorpius; Part 3

Start from the beginning

Scorpius got up and headed downstairs. When he got down there, he looked at Draco. He looked like a wreck. This was also a very hard day for Draco. Scorpius didn't know this, but, on Christmas Day, many years before now, Draco had proposed to Astoria. He knew that Astoria had loved Christmas, so he enchanted the entire manor to look like a winter wonderland, and had mistletoe hang from the ceiling. Of course she had said yes. But, also on this day, he got into a huge argument with his parents. They did not approve of the Greengrass family. But, Draco didn't listen to his parents and proposed to her anyway. From that day forward, Draco had only talked to his parents a number of times, only because Astoria made him. This day just brought back many memories.

"Hey dad, are you okay?" Scorpius asked

"Oh, yea." Draco responded untruthfully.

Then, Draco and Scorpius went into the main room. They had their own Christmas Morning, even though it wasn't as good without Astoria. Scorpius opened his gifts, and gave the gift he got for his dad. Scorpius had gotten muggle books. He had asked for them, he was intrigued ever since Rose had lent him some of her muggle books. That was all Scorpius really asked for, he already had everything he needed or wanted. Well, almost everything, but there was nothing he could do about that. Scorpius said thank you to his dad, and he noticed an owl coming in the window.

"Mail? On Christmas Day?" Scorpius questioned as he went to open the window to let the owl in.

"Oh, I guess." Draco responded. Draco had remembered that Rose was going to send a gift to Scorpius. He was curious to see how it would work.

"He has something. It looks like a package." Scorpius said as he took the package and letter from Pig.

"What is it?" Draco asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Scorpius Malfoy. Oh, is this for me?" Scorpius said as he looked at the letter and box.

"Well, I'm not Scorpius Malfoy am I?" Draco said playfully.

"Oh never mind that." Scorpius said as he ripped open the envelope, and started to read it. Scorpius read:

Merry Christmas Scorpius!,

I know you said that I didn't have to get you anything, but I had to! I couldn't just let you spend all that money on the beautiful jewelry set you got me, and not do anything back. No, you can't return it! I honestly don't mind. Besides, this is not just an ordinary gift. It's a very special one. Now, I assume that you're reading this before you opened the box, so you'll just have to see for yourself. I just wanted to do something special for you for once. Your always doing special things for me, I wanted to do something back. I miss you, and I can wait to see you when we get back to school. I look forward to our study sessions, and I'm thinking about you. Again, Merry Christmas and I hope this makes your day! Oh, and don't forget to lift the shackle. You'll see what I mean. :)


Scorpius read the letter two more times, forgetting his dad was standing there. He couldn't believe it. Rose had really done this for him! Just the letter in itself was enough for a gift for Scorpius. And the best of all, the word love. She put love. This made Scorpius's insides hot yet once again.

"Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to open it?" Draco asked.

"Oh, yea!" Scorpius said. He set the letter down, not realizing his dad secretly read it. And, he then grabbed the box and wrapped off the wrapping paper.

He then found himself looking at a black box. He took off the lid, and inside was a silver chain with a tiny lock charm, with a rose thorn engraved into it. He just starred down at it, with on of his mum's smiles on his face. He loved it. His favorite part was the rose thorn engraved into it.

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