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Has this virus made any of you appreciate things more in life or do you still feel the same way you did before???I've asked this question to a few people,family and friends and co workers some say yes its changed how they think some say no nothing's changed at all,for myself well i never take anything or anyone for granted that's just not who i am that's how i was before the virus i'd always told my loved ones that i love them if i've seen them as i'm leaving or as im finishing a phone call to them,its made me realise just how lucky i am to have the guy i've got in my life,he's the most supportive,kindest,caring guy he's my rock and never let's me down,the virus made me think how utterly bereft i'd feel if i lost him its only natural i'd think that what with the amount of deaths we have had in Britain,it makes you aware that you could lose anyone at anytime,we both said either of us could of got it and if we got took into hospital we may never see each other again worse case scenario obviously as he has an underlying health condition,its definetly made us appreciate each other more that's for sure and we talk more try to make more time for each other,it kind of got me thinking there are some major changes i will be making after all this is over too, because if one thing this has taught me you have to do what makes "you" happy always and if your not happy even with one aspect of your life it can impact on everything else in your life for sure,so has the current situation made you appreciate life more your family or friends?got you thinking about making some changes? Questioned certain things about your life? It made me think I need to write more on wattpad its a good release to write things down sometimes rather than actually discuss it so i'm definetly going to try and be more present on here now,i think its good for your mental health to be honest just to get things off  your chest

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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