Day out with the boss

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I stand up all night thinking of that weird dream I had last night. I went to go to my morning routine which didn't take long. I got dressed (👆🏻any color) and put on some light makeup. I walked downstairs to see no was up. So I just sat down and looked at my phone. They thankfully gave me a phone but unfortunately it only has there contacts and a security system so I don't escape.

Not to long after they all arrived and sat down. But Deku and Bakugo weren't there. Until I heard a loud BAM. Then Deku came with a frown on his face then I heard Bakugo's voice. "Deku get your ass back here and fight me". After a few minutes they all calmed down and Shinso came. 'What was that about' you thought as the nomus came with breakfast.

After breakfast (including their gross hands on their plates). Everyone left except Shinso and me "well let's go we don't want to wait any more time do we"? I nodded and walked to Lamborghini 'whoa their loaded'. As we neared the mall there were soooo many people already there. He let me out (like the gentleman he is). 'I haven't been to the mall in months'.

There were a lot of shops, while I was thinking I didn't expect Shinso to sneak up me and grab my hand. "Let's go to the pet shop" he said as we started walking in that direction. When we got there he quickly lead me to the cats section. He started baby talking the cats and kittens. 'Oh so he likes cats' "(y/n) look at aren't they so cute" Shinso said. "Let's get one you can pick him/her out" he said while holding both of my hands.

"Sure" you looked at all the cats and they we're all looking at us. My eyes finally landed on a kitten that had white fur, on his eyes there was an orange spot and he had blue eyes. I picked him up and looked at him he licked your face. "Shinso can we get this one he's so cute ". He looked at the kitten and smiled "not as cute as you but sure" he said as he kissed your cheek . My face turned into a red tomato while holding the kitten in my arms.

We got the kitten and named him (c/n) (c/n- cats name). We both were hungry so we went to a cafe in the mall. We talked about so much and learned a lot about each other. He told me he started this mafia when he was only in his first year of high school. He told me some of his men were gay and lesbian (can you guess who I'll tell you in the next chapter). I told him of my past that my father was a villain but got locked up.

And that my brother was head of the police force. We payed for the food (manly Shinso). 'This was actually a fun day... WAIT I FORGOT MY ESCAPE PLAN'. I cursed in my head 'guess I'm gonna have to find another way to escape'.

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