Chapter 26 - A Calm Day

Start from the beginning

"Woah!" I screech quietly and without any warning it takes off, full speed, out of the room and towards god knows where. I close my eyes, hearing voices getting louder until I'm in the midst of it all. I'm put down on something soft and my spidey sense is telling me people are looking at me.

I slowly open my eyes and see Captain America, Nat, Clint and Pietro all looking at me. They all look slightly confused, but not surprised. My face is probably as red as a tomato and I drift my eyes down to my lap.

It's quiet for a few seconds until Nat starts speaking.

"Good morning Peter, slept well?" Her voice is soft and I looked at her nervously, fidgeting with the hem of my t-shirt.

"Mornin'..." I mumble and my spidey sense is telling me someone is about to touch me, so I hastly move out of the way, my eyes widening for a second, before I realize who it is.

"Woah kid, it's just me." Mr. Stark holds his hands up in surrender, eyeing me for a second. I let out a shaky breath before giving him a small nod. Mr. Stark drops the idea to pat my shoulder and heads into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" He asks and not a second later, my stomach gives out a loud grumble. I hide my face, suddenly feeling how my it's heating up and I can just imagine the smirk on Mr. Starks face. "I'll take that as a yes."

It's quiet for a moment, the only sound coming from the TV.

"So, how'd you like the wake-up call?" Mr. Stark asks and my head peeks up.

"It was you!" I point an accusing finger at him and the others laugh. I turn back towards the TV and pout a little.

"Stark, you upset my son!" Pietro scolds Mr. Stark and suddenly, Pietro is next to me, patting my head.

"Am I missing something?" Mr. Captain America says confused looking at his teammates like a lost puppy.

"Oh nothing much, just that this is my son Peter and that he is purer than the purest diamonds." Pietro explains simply.

"Isn't that... Isn't that kind of illegal?" Mr. Captain America asks.

"Shut your ass up Steve. Your skinny butt tried to illegally join the army several times." Bucky says, all of a sudden, as he walks into the living room, his hair all messy. He walks over to Steve, pressing a kiss on top his head before walking into the kitchen to make coffee.

"I was trying to help my country." Mr. Captain America recoils.

"You couldn't even breathe right!" Bucky shoots, shutting Mr. Captain America up. 

Pietro, Clint and Tony start laughing and Nat and I snicker quietly for ourselves. Mr. Captain America sulks a little over the roast and... I am shook. America's Golden Boy. Their symbol is pouting over a small argument with... wait... Are Bucky and Mr. Captain 'Merica dating?! Oof.

"Kid, c'mon, food's ready." Mr. Stark calls out and just as I'm about to stand up, I'm already in the kitchen, seated on a bar stool. Next to me, Pietro sits. He's leaning on the counter on his elbows, his head resting on his hands and he has some kind of puppy eyes.

"Oh dear Stark, you wouldn't mind giving little me some food, would you?" He asks extremly politly. Mr. Stark frowns as he puts a plate in front of me.

"Get your ass out of here Maximoff. Haven't you already eaten?" Mr. Stark says annoyed. "God, I need more coffee..." He mutters, looking down into his cup and stirring it with a spoon. I stiff a laugh and look down at the plate in front of me while Pietro huffs in annoyance.

On the plate there's egg and bacon and a croissant.

"Nice, a croissant!" I laugh. Last time I ate one was when Ned bought me one a few weeks back. There's a smile on my face, but I suddenly hear snickers from around the room. I turn around and look at everyone confused. "What?"

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