Start from the beginning

     "Might take you up on that, then." His large hands found her waist, firmly holding her in place. Her eyes slipped from his eyes to his lips, shifting between the two. He copied her actions. Soon enough, both slowly leaned towards one another, and just as their lips graced one another, something interrupted the two. Of-fucking-course.

     The lights that belonged to the front porch of the Byers resident flicked on, along with the sound of a door unlocking. The two quickly separated, Sweet Pea wasting no time to get on the bike. He revived the engine, awkwardly sharing a look with the girl he had almost kissed for the second time. Then, he quickly disappeared down the street, cloaked by the darkness.

     Seconds later, the front door flew open, Harley's mother bursting out. Her eyes swiped across the sidewalk infront of her house, eyes squinting slightly at the figure standing. "Harley?" The said girl turned around, starting to make her way towards the house. "Oh my gosh, Harleen you almost gave me a heart attack. Was that a motorcycle I heard?"

     The Byers girl let her eyes linger on the spot Sweet Pea and herself had been standing only moments before. "Uh, yeah, just Jughead, he gave me a ride." She explained, entering the house. Her mother scoffed, following after.

     "Didn't I tell you not to see that boy?"

     From there on, Harley tuned her mother out, the only thing on her mind being a certain Southside boy she wasn't supposed to be thinking about.



     After yet another almost kiss shared between Harley and Sweet Pea, things were a little awkward between the two. Fortunately Harley's mother had bought her lie about it being Jughead, but she still gave Harley a lecture about not associating with anyone from or with ties to the Southside. Seeing as it was late and Harley was very tired, she hadn't bothered arguing with her mother. She settled for a 'yes mother' before slamming her bedroom door shut in her face.

     As mentioned things were a little awkward between Harley and Sweet Pea. There was this tension when the two bumped into one another in the hallway at school. Harley brushed it off, assuming that it was normal after almost kissing. It was obvious that the two had a thing for one another, but to be completely honest, Harley didn't want to think too much about it. Usually, she would overthink everything, especially things like this. But maybe it was catching Jason Blossom murderer who had changed her, or maybe it was catching the Black Hood. Whatever it was, the deaths in the town reminded her that life was too short to overthink everything. So she had decided to not. Or, at least try not to.

     Whatever Harley and Sweet Pea was right now, Harley liked it. They could joke around and have fun togheter. Sometimes it felt like time stood still when she was with him. And Harley was growing accustomed to the odd feeling. And right now things weren't complicated. There was no 'is he cheating on me' or 'what should I wear tonight' type stuff. Okay well maybe there was a little of the latter. There were mostly only 'this is fun, let's do it again sometime' stuff. No worries, no strings attached. Harley would have liked to speed up the process, though. She wouldn't mind him making the first move. . .

     Right now, the two was leaning against her locker. Harley was gaping at him, eyes wide. Sweet Pea had just informed her of his suicide mission. Aka he had decided to join the school's basketball team. Why was that a suicide mission you may ask? Well, because the Bulldogs-- Reggie amongst them-- dominated the team. Which also meant that the ridiculous feud between them and the Serpents would only lead to disaster.

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