Chapter 1-Nightmares

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Y/n POV(in his sleep)

"Oh hey bro what's up?"

"There you are you son of a bitch!"

"Um what?"


"This is what you get for sleeping with my girl!!!"


"Wait this will do the trick!!!"




I wake up by my friend that I knew for a long time and it's 6 PM. Damn it I wanted my nap to be longer then 2 hours.

"Finally your awake you have a another job at 8 so be ready"She said.

I just gave her a thumbs up since I can't fucking speak. I get off my bed and go to my closet to change. After changing I grab my sniper that has a rusty Silencer I still haven't got a new one in a year.

"Dinner is ready Y/n"

"Okay just give me a few minutes okay" I signed to her.

She gives me a thumbs up and leaves my room. I get the rest of my crap and exit my room. I see the others eating while there is a bowl of ramen noodles sitting there with no one.

"Oh look who is awake Mr.I wish I can speak in the flesh. Alexa made that bowl of ramen noodles for you". Jason the other sniper says to my tired ass.

I nod grab my bowl then grab a cold water from the fridge and sit with the others at the table. I begin eating while they finish up.

"Y/n you have a mission in 2 hours your job details will be in the briefing room okay?" Mark my best mate says.(Btw he isn't Mute-_-)

"Yeah I know Alexa told me when she woke me up from my 2 hour sleep" I sign to him

I finish up my food and drink the rest of my water before entering the briefing room. Am still surprised that Mark made a briefing room in the basement in a 2 story house on the ridge of a mountain that had a beautiful place to look at the city. I walk down to the briefing room and look what my job is even though their all the same just snipe white masks even though we're not part of Team Rainbow. I leave the room to have some air outside on the patio. I open the door and look at the city lights. I hear a chopper flying over the house.

(2 hours later)
I leave the patio and make my way to the garage to start up by motorcycle. I open the garage door and start up the bike. I sit on the bike ditch the damn helmet and begin making way to the place.

(30 minutes later)
I stop the motorcycle on a dirt path which leads to the area. I get off the motorcycle and look around the place to find a good spot to kill these scrubs. I find a good place so I run towards it and dolphin dive on the spot. I take out my sniper and look around for the white masks. I find some of them and kill them. Silent but deadly they say? I kill the rest of them and I wonder how my silencer makes my gun sound like there is nothing in the air wonder why? I kill some more of them and make my way to the building. I use some of my Parkour skills to move around the place. I rappel onto the building and pop a smoke in there then break in. I shoot around killing the white masks in that smoke filled room. I go downstairs and kill some more. Finally my job is over so I can go home and have some sleep. I see that chopper from 2 hours ago when I was looking at the city. Oh shits it's Team Rainbow... I run to the door. I open the handle then some one places a explosive one the door and exploding it sending me across the room.

"Hey look we have some one maybe a white mask" A British person said.

I take my revolver and shoot the guy in the chest. I didn't kill him but I was then some one puts their shot gun on my head.

"Put that gun down or I will blow your brains out you hear me?" A Korean lady says to me but not gonna lie that voice sounds kind hot.

"What happens if I manage to apprehend you" I sign to the lady.

"Never gonna happen we have you surrounded so if you try we will turn you into pieces you feel me?" She tells me so I guess am getting arrested.

"Nice job Grace this is the guy who must be behind Massacres of dead white masks" A Russian dude says to the lady.

"What are we going to do with him?"

"Keep him..."

I was gonna take my gun out and kill these people but no because when I tried I find out some one took em.

"Now tell me who do you work for and we might let you go"

I couldn't tell him shit because 1 I can't speak and 2 if I make hand signals they might think that I have a group of people looking over me and they will think that they will get attacked by them I guess.

"Come on tell"

"I can't speak" I sign to him

"Lies tell me now"

He pulls out my gun under my chin and this guy won't believe me.

"Speak to me god damn it speak! If you don't say something I will have Dokkaebi here blow your brains out you hear me!"

I signed to him"Am telling the truth I can't speak my voice box is crushed".

"Crushed voice box huh? Well we will crush you now do it Grace"

"You sure? Didn't Six wanted this man and don't you say that we were gonna keep him?"

"Yeah but since this guy is being a dick just kill him okay"

The two started arguing but then there was a moment of escape so I took that moment and escaped quickly but one of them spotted me on the run. I ran with those people running at me but I was quick enough to make to my motorcycle and start it. I drove away thinking that I was safe but then a spot light was on me and it was their helicopter. I drive faster and faster so they won't get any closer but they got closer. I couldn't drive any faster I was going max on this. It was either keep driving and then be wanted or stop and get captured. Heard these guy's base is at Hereford which is kinda close to the city that I live in but that won't stop me. I notice that there is incoming traffic but there was a dirt road on the right so I drove to that road and there is a bunch of trees by the road so they could see me sometimes but there is a second one which is kinda hard to see but I know where it is.

I keep driving until I see that second road so I turned to it. I stop by a tree and see that they can't see me anywhere. I wait for a little bit until they fly away which took about 10 minutes so I took that time to drink a coke cola that I took from the house. I drink it but half way drinking it they leave. I drink the rest of the soda and drive back to the base oh and also this road is a short cut to the road by the house. I see the road which means that am basically at home.

Silent Mercenary (Rainbow Six Siege) (Dokkaebi x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now