"Take care, Silverstream. Don't forget that you can ask your Headmare Starlight Glimmer to send me a message if you need anything," Stratus said as he held his daughter tight, pecking her light pink forehead. A single tear slipped down his eyes. It would always happen everyday.

"I will. Thanks. Bye, dad!" Silverstream said as the pulled away. She flashed him a sweet smile and he motioned for her to get a move on. She smiled again and headed out the door. She looked up at the sky first thing. She was really going to miss the sky here. It always seemed so blue, and the wisps of clouds were beautiful.

She then looked around the the plants and trees that littered the area. She smiled, albeit a little sadly. She was going to miss them as well, and the song coming from the Harmonising Heights were the most beautiful. The shops littered around the street she was on were shops that she was going to miss dearly, especially the little ice cream stall where she would get free ice cream every half an hour.

She shook her head. She was going to be late if she stayed around reminiscing for a little while longer. It was just eight in the morning, and the first day of school would start later than an average day, but the journey by train would still take a few hours, so she had better get going if she wanted to arrive in time.

She was already walking uo the wooden steps of the train station by the beach before realising that she had promised her father to say goodbye to her mother as well. Terramar had already left for school a few minutes ago, so it was just Ocean Flow to talk to.

Groaning under the heavy weight of her books and art materials in her backpack, she hopped off the train station, nevermind if she missed this hour's train. She would still be able to make it to school even if she took the train later in the day. She would be just in time if she were lucky.

She stood on the edge of the water, relishing the way the wind felt on her feathers, dipping her claws and hooves lightly in the water, being careful not to get her backpack wet, as she stared out into the open seas and awaited her mother. Eventually, the surface of the water started to ripple and a Seapony broke to the surface.

"Mom!" Silverstream exclaimed, all thoughts of her art materials evaporating from her mind as she wade into the water, running to her mother and giving her a quick hug. Her mother and father still very much love each other, of course, but both had agreed that they both belonged to different worlds.

"Stay safe, alright, sweetheart? I know I don't really get to see you that often in the year, but I love you, and if you ever need anything from me, just ask, alright?" Ocean Flow said as she held her daughter in her flippers. Unlike her father though, she was freely crying.

"I will, mum. I love you," Silverstream said as she pulled away. They stared at each other for a few seconds, wondering who would retreat back home first. Silverstream frowned. She would love to stay here longer, but she had already missed the previous train.

"Bye, mum!" Silverstream called out once again as she began walking away from the beach and onto the train platform. She could see from the corner of her eye that her mother was still watching her, but when she was nothing more than a dot in the sea, her mother seemed to have finally bobbed her head back into the water.

Silverstream stared at the empty platform and frowned a little bit. She was the only one this year who was signed up from the Hippogriff to be sent to the School of Friendship on the orders of the Queen. After the incident last time, most Hippogriff thought it safe to not let their child enter, but she had no choice.

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