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IMPORTANT: Hi everyone. I'm currently doing a donor drive where I will donate a dollar for every comment/like I receive on a chapter to Every Last Voter. Please see my latest post on my profile.

Destiny Rumancek had done sketchy things in her life. She'd scammed people, she'd performed dangerous spells, she'd cleaned up more blood than she could remember- but this over shadowed that.

The sun hasn't made its debut for the day, only an indigo sky providing minimal assistant to the eye. The trees only make it more difficult. Not wanting to draw any attention with a flashlight, she wanders almost blindly through the trail, dragging a shovel behind her the whole way. Her backpack rattles with the sound of glass jars.

Destiny follows the path of little red strings tied around various trees and bushes to guide her way. When she's finally at the end of her hidden trail she pauses to take in the carnage around her. Then, she digs.

She digs, and digs, and digs, until she's physically sore and no longer feels cold.. The hole is barely three feet deep. She takes a few moments to catch her breath before getting out of the pathetic excuse for a hole.

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