We were walking towards the market when Carson sees John B and his friends. I don't know him that well but I do know him and his friends hate Sarah and I. I don't know how Carson became friends with them. Carson walks over to them and Sarah and I tread behind him. I groan at how many dirty looks I'm going to get from Kiara. She hates me only because I'm best friends with her worst enemy. After Sarah ditched her I still wanted to be friends but she didn't want to associate with Kooks.

"Carson!" JJ yells as he daps my brother up. I look towards Ki and she rolls her eyes at Sarah and I. "Sup, Carson." John B says dapping Carson up. Sarah and I just watch their encounter. "Hey, princess's." JJ fake smiles at us. "What are you guys doing on the poor side of town, did you get kicked out." He teases. Before Sarah and I could come up with a sick comeback, we hear a woman crying.

"Scooter? Oh god!" The lady cries. Police officers were wheeling in what looked like a dead man.

"Wait, that's Lana Grubbs, she was just at my house." Sarah whispers to me. I give her a shocked look.

"Who's that?" John B ask. "Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got." A blonde girl says. She shows everyone but me and Sarah the picture. "That's fucking Gnarly." Carson says as he nudges me. I look back at him and laugh.

"You guys can leave now." Ki says staring at Sarah and I. She glares at us before we turn our backs and walk away. "Tell dad I'll be back later." Carson yells. I give him a thumbs up without looking back. "Bye, scream queens!" One of them yells. I had a feeling it was JJ.

Sarah and I get back from the market and also bought other fruits and vegetables.

After we put the groceries away we go chill in my room.

About thirty minutes later my door swings open and it Rafe.

"Ew." Sarah gags.

"Hi babe." I say reaching out my arms for him to lay in them.

"Hi!" He sings laying on top of me. "I missed you." He kisses me.

"Omg, okay i'm leaving." Sarah gets up." "Umm the Pogues are throwing a Keeger tonight, so Topper and I will come get you guys."

"Roger this." I salut her as she leaves my room.

When she leaves Rafe lays his body on my and stats smothering me in kisses.

He moves my arms from around his neck and puts them above my head.

Somehow are little kisses turned into a deep make out session. His tongue swiftly slide across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly except.

He travels down to my neck and starts leaving little hickies on it. He goes down to my stomach and places soft kisses. Then he unbuckles my belt and my heart drops.

"Wait." I hold his hands together.

"What?" He asked concerned.

"Not yet." I whisper. He lets out a small sigh.
"Rafe, i'm so sorry I-."

"Hey, hey, babe, it's okay. Whenever your ready, i'll be ready." He smiles.

I give him a small smile and a little nod.

He pulls himself back up and lays his head on my chest.

"Whenever you're ready." He whispers.

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and we cuddle until it's time for the Keeger.

Sarah, Rafe, Topper, I and more Kooks arrive at the Keeger.

I totally forget I had a brother until I see him chilling with John B and his crew. Carson sees me and gives me his middle finger. I just shake it off and stick mine up at him. I look next to him and see John B and Ki eyeing. I just ignore their stares and turn my focus back on my friends.

Rafe and I were away from the party just talking and laying on the beach.

All of a sudden we hear people chanting to fight. We give each other a confused look and run to the crowd.

Rafe pushes through the crowd and we make our way to the commotion.

Topper and John B and are fighting.

"Hey, John B, don't let me drown you like your old man." Topper laughs as he hovers over John V who's in the water.

John B gets up and tackles Topper into the water.

I feel Rafe's hand in mind loosen.

"Babe, babe, no." I say holding him back.

I feel a slight tug on my arm and look over to see Carson. He grabs my hand and pulls me back a little.

"Come on, Topper!" Rafe yells. I look at him with confusion but then shake it off.

Topper flips John B over and repeatedly forces his head in the water. "Yo, Topper, chill!" Carson yells.  "Okay, Topper you're gonna kill him!" I yell. "Topper!" Sarah yells. "He's drowning him!" Pope yells.

"John B, get up!" Kie yells.

JJ suddenly runs up to Topper and puts a gun to his head.

Everyone screams and run as the rest of us wait.

"Yeah you know what that is, your move broski." JJ threatens. I grab Carson's hand and pull him closer to me. "JJ, put the gun down!" I yell. "Did you say something, princess?" He ask with the gun still on Toppers head.  "Are you fucking crazy!" Rafe yells.

"We're good, we're good." Topper surrenders with his hands up. "Ki, can you check your psycho friend please?" Sarah yells.

JJ release the gun from Toppers head and points it in the air. "Everyone, listen up. Get the hell off our side of the island!" He yells. He shoots the gun in the air twice.

"Come on." Carson yells. Sarah drags Topper as we all run off the beach and to our cars. I get in my car and Carson gets in the passenger seat. I look around and see Rafe getting into Sarah's car.

"What the hell just happened!" Carson panics "Don't tell dad?" I ask breathing heavily. "Duh." Carson laughs and we do our handshake.


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