may 10 8:32pm

10 0 0

i'm not sure what i said to you-

read to you, to be more specific-

that made you decide this.

i'm sorry for what i did, whatever it was.

i hope you're not hurt.

i won't lie when i say my heart deflated a bit after getting that text.

it's such a simple statement, but to take away hearing your voice for a while is a little offputting.

especially during these times.

i can't imagine what would happen if you broke your promise.

i try not to think about it.

i fail.

what if i lost you forever?

what if i could never talk to you again?

what if you just left me behind?

or worse, what if i'm the one that leaves you?

i'm sure it wouldn't be on purpose,

and if it was, surely i'd have good reason to.

it pains me to think about it though.

so i won't.

i'll try not to.

of course those are only hypothetical situations,

but that doesn't mean they could still happen.

i'm so grateful for you.

i'm thankful for the inspiration you've given me.

i love that we can talk for hours,

and it'll never get old.

i'm sorry we can't do that anymore.

for whatever reason it is.

a reason to which i've been left in the dark.


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