I was tagged!

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If you want to skip read the end!

mention who tagged you
Do it in less than 3 days
Say 10 things about you
Tag people
Tell your favorite joke
Spoil one of your stories
Write the rules -3-
(Not gonna lie had to take a screenshot to remember the rules 😅)

I was tagged by CallmeEnyo!
1. I'm very forgetful!

2. I have crackhead energy 24/7 -3-

3. I draw!

4. Getting a bakugo cosplay very soon!

5. I have doggo!

6. I'm forced to go to bed around 4 or 3 because of one of my best friends *cough* person who tagged me *cough*

7. Im stubborn and when have something in my mind most likely won't listen to anyone


9. I have a short temper-

10. Im Most likely be the dumbest person you have ever met!

bakuhoe4life Underlustlover2004 they are demons but they count as people so i tagged them 😆😂

Okie one of my favorite jokes huh...
Lol okay uh i don't know any jokes but.
Whats the difference between a lightbulb and a pregnant woman?
You can unscrew a lightbulb 😆😂

Spoil one of my stories? Huh.. This is the only one people read so.. Hmm.. If im being honest I go with the flow and don't have my stuff planned out but I guess ah! Someone is gonna die! 😅 sorry too dark? Welp yeah someone who is part of the story is gonna die I dont know when just I know it will happen!

Oh since I'm writing i didn't realize that if i have a chapter not posted and i creat another one afterwards and post it then go post the other one it puts the one I wrote before the one i published first.... What im saying is chapter 13 is out but before "Thank you" and many people didn't see it 😅 I wanted to tell you guys so there won't be confusion when i post chapter 14!
Bye guys!!!

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