Just A Shade Darker

Start from the beginning

"Okay text me the address. "

I look back at Leah.

"Everything okay?"

"Yea I guess."

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend? I thought you were a lezzy like me."

"You're a lesbian?"

"You don't have gaydar do you?"

"Nope I guess not, and no, he's not my boyfriend hes an ex best friend."

"He doesn't sound so ex to me if he's coming over."

"It's a long story."

"Well we have to shower and head back so tell me."

And so I did. All the way to the part of when I caught him cheating on Jasmine. 

"Wow." She stunned to silence. 

"Yep that's the whole story."  As we newly showered and sat at the kitchen table again. 

"So... he's on his way over here now?"


"You want me to leave while he's here?"

"No stay, stay...you can meet him if you like. " 

He texted me "I'm here" the moment after I said that.

"And you can meet him right now, he's here."

"Oh shit, okay."

About 5 minutes later Andre knocked on our apartment door. When I opened it, he looked just as amazing as the last time I saw him. He grew to into his looks from meeting him in high school very nicely. 


"Hey, come in. This is Leah. Leah this is Andre."

"What's up?"

"Hi nice to meet you" She shook his hand. "I'll be in my room, dollface." She kisses me on the cheek as she leaves.

"Dollface? Are you two-"

"No, but look at her she's way out of my league."

"Shut up, you're fucking beautiful."

"Thanks but clearly you're not here to talk about how beautiful you think I am. What is it?"

"Me and Jasmine broke up"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Yea. She caught me with Jerome."

"Jesus Andre, I told you to stop seeing him."

"I couldn't help it, I was really into him and the sex was amazing."

"When did you guys break up?"

"About a week ago."

"So where are you staying?"

"I've been staying with Jerome, but he broke it off with me too so..."

"You wanna stay here?"

"Can I?"

"Fuck Andre, really?"

"Just until I can find another place."

I rolled my eyes. "LEAH!" I yelled. 


"Come back out here please"

"You're gonna ask her since this will effect her to."

"Come on Jade."

"Shut up. and do it."

"What's wrong loves?" Leah asks as she comes back in.

I gesture to Andre.

"Hey, uh Leah, I'm sorry to ask you this, but would it be alright if I stayed here for a while until I found another place? I'll sleep on the couch or floor just need a place to stay for a lil while."

"Sure. is that all?"

"Uh yea."

"Yea, it's fine with me." She flounces off back to her room. 

"Well looks like you have a place to stay."

"Thank you."


Things did change even if I didn't want them to. Not only did I not get the surprise of seeing Leah  bounce around in nothing but her underwear anymore, but she started wearing thicker clothes around the house. She wore sweats like me. Andre kept his word and slept on the couch, and faithfully every day when I got home from work I would see him on the couch on his computer looking for places to live. He also had to leave his job because he couldn't do an hour commute. 

One day I come home, and he ask me to come sit with him. When I went to go sit by him, he pulled me into his lap.



"Yea...Andre what are you doing?"

"I miss holding you like this. I miss this."

"Andre we can't-"

"I miss your lips on mine." He says as he goes to kiss me. I Hesitated at first, but then let it happen.As soon as I kissed him it took me right back to that day when both Jasmine and him took my virginity. The kiss was slow at first but then It got intense as he gripped my ass then smacked it.

A soft moan came from my mouth as he bit my bottom lip and tugged it slightly.

"Andre... what..what are we doing?"

"I'm...I'm sorry. I-"

"I brought TACOS Everyone!" Leah comes bursting in the room and she slightly paused when she saw me sitting in Andre's lap but then she just goes straight into the kitchen with a big back from Taco Yos up the street. "Hope you guys are hungry because I got a lot, because it's Tuesday and tacos are 50 cents on Tuesdays!"

I looked at Andre, and he looked at me. I kissed him on the cheek. 
"We'll talk about this later."

I tried to go in the kitchen but I stopped dead in my tracks when I hear Andre say

"wait...Jade...Jasmine was right."


"I just realized it, but she was right. I do love you more."

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