Just Deserts

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"Alright, so we're going to film a little in here before we go," Brett announced.

I took the cue and left for the other room. "Okay."
"And also, on the drive there, I would like to talk with you and Eddy about what... happened."
Haha, just deserts. Served the dude right. "Sounds good," I responded. Eddy looked terrified.

Then I became terrified.

What if Eddy decided that would be a good time to announce when I stole Brett's computer?? 
I was toast.

To get myself to not think about what the future held, I distracted myself with whatever was in the room. As I looked around, I noticed a little birdcage.

I remembered Eddy rambling about not being able to have a dog or cat because of his allergies, so he was planning to get a bird. I just didn't realize he had gotten one already.

"Hey, little guy," I whispered.

The bird gave a little chirrup in greeting. It hopped around in its little confines, hopelessly trapped like me.

I could hear them talking already, laughing about that broken light. As the bird started chirruping again, I got a little worried it would get into the filming. "Alright, little guy, stay quiet," I chuckled nervously.

He was having none of it. Although he stayed quiet for a little bit, suddenly he gave the loudest cry and squawk, demanding my immediate attention.

And then he squawked again.

And a third time.

I was in for so much trouble when they got done.

I could hear Brett and Eddy rushing to finish the filming, worried the bird would be louder and ruin their take completely.

After they finished, they didn't say anything at first -- they just got the console ready for Smash Bros. Well, at least Eddy was getting it ready.

Brett walked in the room to see what was going on. "Hey, everything alright?"
He wasn't mad at me?? "Yeah, sorry," I stammered nervously. "I was in here, and he uh... kept squawking when he saw me."
Brett chuckled and put in a finger to stroke the bird's beak. "Yeah, extroverted little guy. Anyways, uh, would you like to play Smash Bros?"
Why would I be play wrestling with Eddy when I already had to do it in real life (alright so pillows are a little softer than swords, but hey when you whack em right those things HURT)? "I appreciate it, but um, no thank you."
"Would you like to watch us then?"
Oh. He must have wanted me to leave the room so the bird would stop squawking. "Um, sure!"

As soon as they started, I could tell that this would be entertaining to watch. While (still) getting set up (boomers), Brett geeked out about the setup of the console and whether Wii or Nintendo Switch was better and on and on and ON. I shook my head. I could see lots of editing in my future. Would probably just leave in a little dorky comment about them having to use a specific remote for Smash Bros for others to feel my pain.

And Eddy, of course, was his typical show-offy arrogant all-too-perfect self. He legit made Brett stop talking and film the screen, all so he could show off how he was using no items. The nerd. The dork. The annoying way-too-perfect monster.

And then whenever he gave Brett a good whammy he would stand up and look at the camera so you could see him. Ugh.
And the mere fact that he simply destroyed Brett in his abilities. Absolutely horrid.

When they were finished, Brett announced they would go off for coffee. Seeing how Brett was not the one who kidnapped me and thus would require minimal human decency from Eddy, I was safe to assume I would partake in this event as well.

Honestly, I couldn't wait. I hadn't had any coffee for weeks since Eddy had kidnapped me. I almost forgot what it tasted like.

As I eagerly buckled up in the backseat, Brett cleared his throat. "So... about earlier. Eddy, what really happened?"
"Wh-what do you mean?" Eddy stammered.

"It looked more like you were chasing her. Come on, why would you grab her ankles like that?"

I groaned and hid my head in the carseat in front of me (had forgotten Eddy was the one sitting in front of me until it was too late. EW). I had forgotten about this inevitable conversation.

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