8. Homecoming Party

Start from the beginning

"Girls, where is Bailee?" ask screaming when we're all a bit tired of dancing and having a drink again.

"I think her boyfriend called her and she left. What surprises us is that you are still here." Lizzy shouts at me and I frown. 

"What do you mean?" I ask getting closer to her so I can listen to her.

"Well, don't judge me for thinking you were going to make out with Thomas. He has hugged you and don't tell me that you don't think he is incredible tonight with that look."  She inquires me and I roll my eyes.

"What if he has hugged me?" What kind of argument is that?

"Have you seen him hugging anyone but you? Yeah, that's the point." She signals at me and I take a long sip of my tinto.

"Well, I can't deny he's hot but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." and I'm waiting for my last lover to come, I add in my head.

"Nobody said he was looking for one." she comments. Okay, you got me there.

"I'm going to search Bailee. Stay tuned to the mobile in case I send you a message." I advised them before I go but I'm not sure if they have listened to me.

Just a few minutes later and with no results, I get a message from Bailee asking me where we are  and I decide to call her now that I'm in a quieter place.

"Bailee, where are you?" I ask her but she says "What?Are you here?" so, I repeat louder, "where are you?"

"I don't listen to you but we're in the hall. We'll wait for you! But Giselle, Reece.." Bailee shouts in my ear and I grimace.

"Okay, I'm going!" and I hang up the call. I make my way through the crowd among pushing and stepping on my feet. God, why are people so clumsy?


"Hey guys, where are Reece and George?" I ask them after greeting them and not seeing anyone else with them. Have they already entered and I have not seen them? Will Reece have seen me?

"The guys didn't come, maybe if had told Reece you were going to come too, maybe he would have come, I'm sure of it but..." Blake's trying to explain helplessly but it doesn't ease my sudden disappointment.

"It's okay, don't worry! you should get in, the party is great!" I say with my false enthusiasm.

I smile forcibly and hope that they haven't noticed the disappointment in my voice but it's so hard to hide it when I feel that the moment I say something again, my voice is going to break.

"Want to come in with us?" Blake offers but I just shake my head politely.

I lie trying not to sound too broken, "Oh no, I need to breathe some air. The girls left me exhausted!" I exclaim loudly.

I run one of my hands over my forehead to remove the little sweat I had and sound more believable as well. From the look Blake is giving me I know that my lie has not worked but he lets it be. Why is he so good at knowing how people feel?

"Okey, I'll text you later!" Bailee waves and get in the party with Blake by her side like the happy couple they are. 

And I'm here, all alone.

I sit on one of the benches near the party and let my emotions take over as I watch my illusions fall on broken glass. I cover my face with my hands so that people don't see me cry. Have I really ended up being the girl who cries at parties? God, I can't feel more pathetic.

"Ey Giselle, are you okay?" someone inquires in front of me.

I look up at Thomas and that makes it clear that I'm not talking to anyone right now. I look down at the ground again, rubbing my face with my hands, why do I have to be so ridiculous? Did I really think he was coming? I stop thinking when I feel an arm around me and that's when I realize that Thomas has sat next to me without asking me.

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