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"Fuuuuck" Mattia groaned out loudly as he rubbed his eyes

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"Fuuuuck" Mattia groaned out loudly as he rubbed his eyes.
A ray of sunshine had woken him up, and his head was banging.

Isla laid on the other side of the bed, almost falling out of it. She turned her head, an annoyed expression plastered to her face.

"I have the worst headache right now" the Italian complained as he ran a hand through his hair.
Isla shot him an unimpressed look before laying down again, turning her body away from him.

Mattia furrowed his brows at the girls action, and soon pulled her into his embrace, she still didn't face him though.

"What's your problem?" Mattia asked, snaking his arms around her waist.

"My problem?" The girl sounded slightly offended. "I could ask you the same"
Since Mattia didn't answer her, she kept on with her rant.

"You did drugs Mattia, and Kairi said you've been doing it all summer" Her voice was slightly more raised, and by the tension in the room both of them could sense where this was going. "When did you plan on telling me?"

"Umm" Mattia scratched the back of his head awkwardly as his girlfriend stood up, and walked to his desk.


"Look it's nothing serious. It was just to get my mind off of things, alright?"

Isla shook her head with a grin. "Just to get your mind off of things?" She looked at him in disbelief, as she waited for his answer.


"Nah Mattia" Isla looked at him dead in the eye, seeing how red they still were from yesterday. "That's what's every drug addict say"

"I'm not addicted tho?" He threw his hands in the Like it wasn't that serious.

"I don't care if you're addicted or not!" Isla voice was raised, the girl was almost yelling. "I don't want you to hurt yourself okay? I can't let you do that to yourself"

"I don't need your help, alright? I can deal with this myself!" Mattia snapped back, getting up in rage and walking to the girl.
He grabbed either side of the girls shoulders harshly as he continued to speak.
"You should stay out of this Isla" his voice was lower this time. Silence spread across the room, the two looking each other dead in the eyes.
Mattias grip tightened with each second, and sure enough Isla would have some nasty bruises in a few hours.

"Does your mother know?" Isla whispered out, her sight blurred from the tears that had formed.
Mattia immediately looked down, starring at his hands.

A long moment passed before he shook his head in shame; he hadn't told his mother, not wanting to be a disgrace to the family.
"Look I'm not proud of this" he voice was thin and shaky, like it could break any moment. "But it helps me, alright? I can deal with it my self"

Isla blinked slowly, not believing his words.

"In other words: I won't get addicted" His voice was now calming, his grip loosening around her. His hands moved slowly alongside her body until one was on Isla hip while the other was squeezing her butt tightly. "Trust me"

"I do. Just not with drugs" And with that, the Brit walked off. The girl decided going on a jog, to clear her mind.

Meanwhile Mattia stood at his desk, where the girl had left him.
The thoughts were running through his mind: he didn't like how his problem affected her, and he wouldn't let the drugs take over, never in a million years.

It had just started out being fun and games; at a party somebody offered him a line, and he couldn't resist it.
One line suddenly turned into two, which turned into three and so on.

But he did it to ease his mind.
Nothing else.

"Clean your room Matti" His mother came walking down the stairs, a look of disgust on her face.
She was not wrong; the room was pretty messy.

She placed a stack of fresh laundry on his bed, adjusting the pillows a little.

"Half of this is Islas" he complained, but his mother didn't give two shits.

"Clean it up tesoro, be a gentleman" She was almost headed up the stairs again but Mattia quickly caught her attention.

"Ma, I actually need your help"

The woman gave him a sympathetic look before putting down the laundry basket.

"Hypothetically, what would you do if I did something very stupid?" Mattia knew it's was a risky question, but he needed to know.

"Define stupid" His mother gave him a skeptic look, already knowing he had done something 'very stupid'

"This is just an example" he scratched the back of his head. "Do drugs?" He spat the words out, almost to quick for anyone to hear.

"Say that again, Tesoro"

"What would you do, if I did drugs?" The boy looked down as he spoke, not wanting to see the disappointment in his mother's eyes.

"Mattia" She softly whispered out, pulling him right into her embrace.
And it was in this exact moment Mattia broke down. The tears started streaming down his cheeks as he laid his head on his mother's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry" he cried out, in between sobs.
Maria Polibio did nothing but stroke his back, comforting him.

She wasn't exactly proud of him, but now wasn't the time to yell at the vulnerable teenager boy.
Now he needed to be taken care of and nothing else.

Mary's thoughts:And what do we learn from this? Don't do drugs

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Mary's thoughts:
And what do we learn from this?
Don't do drugs

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