"Okay, well our unsub doesn't like women, that's for sure." Davis was the first to break the silence. Davis had only worked one case with us, and he was constantly trying to do what he was supposed to, break no rules. I had to assure him multiple times that he was fine, and he wasn't breaking any rules.

"All of these women have similar looks. Brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. Which means he's probably using these women as surrogates for somebody else." JJ said, looking at Hotch, who nodded approvingly. She smiled for the first time in probably days.

"Good! That's good. See? We like each other!" Garcia said cheerfully.

"Do we know the names of the victims?" I asked.

"My dear chocolate thunder, when you're working with me you'll always know exactly what you wanna know." Garcia purred while typing on her computer. "The first victim is Susannah Mills, who used to be a psychiatrist at a local clinic. She was the daughter of Harold and Martha Mills, who currently live in southeast Chicago."

"What about the other victims?" Prentiss asked, leaning her elbows against the oak wood of the round table.

"Our second victim is Mariah Phillys, who was a nurse and living with her only living relative, which is her brother, Danny Phillis." Garcia clicked a button on the remote and brought up a photo of the Phyllis siblings posing for a photo.

"Our third victim is Rebekah Jones, who worked as a vet at the Love and Hope Veterinary Center. She lived by herself with her two cats, who were promptly founded new homes, so don't worry, they're okay." I chuckled at Garcia's words. It was funny how she could talk about dead victims so easily and yet, something about animals always got to her.

"What about the fourth victim?" Hotch prompted.

"Ah, right, your fourth and last victim is one Avery Pearson. Pearson lived with her fiancee, Christopher Feilds, and worked as a doctor at- oh this is interesting." Garcia paused as she fixed her glasses.

"What's interesting?" I asked.

"Pearson worked at the same medical facility as our second victim." Garcia gasped as her eyes lit up. "Is this a clue?" 

Prentiss chuckled and nodded. "Yes, this is a clue. Great job Garcia." Garcia's smile grew even wider, which only prompted me to smile a little too. Her almost constant positivity was a light that this team desperately needed in dark times. 

"I noticed that all of the victims work in the medical field. Mills is a psychiatrist, Phyllis is a nurse, Jones is a vet, and Pearson is a doctor." Davis mentioned.

Hotch was about to respond when an agent that I didn't know the name of poked his head into the room. He was short and fit, with tan skin and black hair. "Agent Hotchner?" 

Hotch looked up to meet the agent's eyes. "Yes?"

"A 'Rebecca Kate' is here to see you. She says it's urgent." 

Hotch furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He clearly had never heard the name before. "Do any of you guys know a 'Rebecca Kate'?" He asked, looking at the agents at the round table. We all shook our heads. Hotch looked back up at the agent, who was still in the doorway.

"Have her wait in my office, I'll be there in a moment." 

"She's already in your office, sir. She demanded to speak to you as soon as possible." The agent replied. Hotch only looked more confused. I looked at Garcia and she shrugged. She had no clue what was going on either.

"Alright, you guys continue, fill me in on the plane. Wheels up in an hour." Hotch stood up and pushed in his chair, grabbing his case file and following the young agent out of the room. We all stayed silent for a moment, not sure what to do next. "Rossi?" I asked, confused.

retribution.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora