A Celebratory Meal

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" Shaak-Ti asked, curiously, scenting well-cooked protein in the air.

"Something we can share." Her lover replied, dabbing a kiss onto her cheek, as she moved to embrace him, quite differently to the way Ahsoka had wrapped herself around Anakin. "An alderaanian risotto, with braised steak."

"A risotto?" She asked, curiously, returning the more courtly kiss.

"Sometimes Anakin's old girlfriend came up with. The rice is in fact meat protein, flavoured with the ester that flavours rice, and formed into grains of rice."

"Clever." Shaak-Ti remarked, as she looked out the place settings. "It won't be a problem for you?"

"I can't eat too much of it, or I'll lose my figure." He said. "Still, I'm sure that in such good company, I can work up a bit of an appetite quickly enough."

Her laugh lit up the room, as Obi-wan lit a candle on the table, and cracked open a small bottle of wine, pouring a generous measure into the two glasses on the table.


Anakin could feel the mischief approaching him as he showered very distinctly.

"Snips..." He said. "We've got a table booked at Laido's in an hour. We don't have time."

Ahsoka seemed somewhat disappointed. "You're sure?" She asked, her voice slightly hoarse.

"I'm sure. Tonight, though, we'll have all the time in the world." (1)

He felt the grin on her face as he worked the shampoo deeper into his scalp, clearing the last of the mixture of human and togruta musks, before rinsing carefully, washing the foam and particles out of his hair.

As he stepped out, he gently pecked the nude togruta on left montral, wrapping a towel around his waist. "Get in the shower, you."

Ahsoka grinned as she clambered into the shower cubicle, feeling a finger briefly run down her spine, sending a storm of messages through her body, before the mechanical screen swung into place, and the water began cascading over her montrals.

Carefully, Anakin selected his best robes, those he'd been given for his own graduation as a Jedi Knight, even as brief and wartime as the ceremony had been. They were far more carefully woven than the traditional robes, softer, and smoother. They reduced distractions, and had made meditation less challenging.

A small package at the back of his wardrobe had been for Ahsoka.

Smiling, he looked it out, laying the contents on her bed.

A few minutes later, she stepped out of the shower, and slowly walked through the small space that separated her from the entryway into her room with her hips swaying exaggeratedly and the towel fastened just below her armpits. He knew she was doing it to tease him, and her force-presence danced with amusement at the ease with which she could have such an effect on her Master.

There was no undignified squeal when she found the new robes Anakin had selected for her, all those months before. He just felt a bolt of glee in her presence, quite distinct from some of the other sensations he'd been picking up from her a bit more recently.

Then she came back through, the robes neatly sitting on her body. They were the same style as Anakin's, made from tan wool, with a darker outer robe. The robe had been customized specifically, with an oversized hood possibly five times the volume of her head. Right now, it looked rather silly, engulfing her head and montrals several times over, forcing her to store the majority of the fabric behind the tips of her montrals, with only enough hanging over to keep the garment in place without the Force being involved.

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