“Afraid he’ll get too attached?” His voice is amused as I turn to look at him in shock.

“You know?” I groan. He laughs as my cheeks heat up.

“I’d be a pathetic excuse for a twin if I didn’t, don’t you think?” I scowl and nod, admitting defeat.

“Jacky!” Fred prances out of nowhere (the house) and settles next to us, laying his head in my lap. I chuckle and pinch his cheeks, making him scrunch up his face.

“I’m not five!”

“You act like one.”

“I agree” George adds with a chuckle. Fred shrugs.

“Can’t argue with you there. So guess what?”


“I was talking to a few D.A. members about what will be going on next year along with Ginny and then Seamus let slip about a certain mademoiselle who can’t swim.” I pout.

“Guilty” This causes George to look at me in surprise.

“You can’t swim?”

“Worse than a dog.” Fred breaks in, tapping my chin.

“That’s why I’m going to teach you. We’ll go to the pond and I shall make thee a fish!” He declares. I laugh and leap to my feet.

“Over my twice dead body.” I say as they start to get up, faces full of determination and evil-intent. I turn and run like hell.

“Ron! Save me!” I screech as I run up the stairs after spotting him at the top. He looks at me with confusion for a split second before throwing open his door and allowing me to fling myself inside.

“Hey Jacky” Hermione greets with a smile as I flop before her and Harry and a giant pile of books. I clasp my hands before her and pout.

“Transfigure me please!” I beg. She giggles and takes out her wand, waving it quickly. I can hear Ron distracting his brothers outside the closed door as the light flashes around me and I land on my four little paws.

Sweet! Hmmm…milk.

I dart under the covers of Harry’s cot, peeking out from my little burrow just as Fred and George burst in, looking around. Harry and Hermione adopt terrible façades of innocence as Ron ambles in, unsurprised to see me gone from sight.

“Okay, give her up.” Fred demands. George is turning in a circle, swiveling his head to look for me.

“No idea.” Harry answers, grinning. His bruise is completely gone, thank goodness. I had felt bad when Ginny was mad at me for it; then again she had asked me to give him another after the idiot broke up with her.

“She was just in here! She can’t have apparated. Where’s your cloak?” George insists. Hermione holds it up and both twins frown in confusion.

“Maybe she’s with mum.” They run out and Ron closes the door, turning to the other two with questioning eyes. They point to the cot and he walks over, feeling around. I growl as he whacks me in the head accidentally.

“Bloody hell!” He exclaims as I tumble out. I glare at him while he begins to laugh.

“Clever” He scratches my ears in apology and I purr while pushing my head against his hand.

“I’ll change you back.” Hermione begins to wave her wand but I meow and shake my head. She smiles and shakes her head.

“Don’t let Crookshanks find you. He’s still a male.” I wail in horror while flattening my ears against my head, my tail between my legs. The boys’ faces twist in disgust as she laughs. I trot out quickly, knowing they had little time to plan their mission.

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