Chp. 34 Return of the Tigress

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Author's Note: I apologize only for not updating before September, as I had promised. Other than that, settling into this new year at university has taken up nearly all of my attention (which it rightly should) and I hope you guys will understand! As I mentioned in my A/N for the new chapter of "There is Always a Choice" (check it out, yeah?), I hope to start getting everything posted for my current stories. It'll take time, but I shall perservere! Hope you all are doing fantastic. 


Chapter Thirty-Four

“What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient.” Bodie Thoene

This was it. I grip my bag tightly and swallow past the nerves in my throat. George nods encouragingly at me from his place in front of me.

“I don’t want you guys to place yourselves in unnecessary danger.” I try to protest one more time.

“It’s the least I can do.” Fred repeats firmly. I slump my shoulders in defeat and look towards Ginny, Luna, and Dean who were watching with anxious anticipation. The plan was for me to return to being Tigress and the twins would apparate to Hogsmeade, undercover of course. They would let me loose and apparate straight back. I would then make my way up to the castle and find Neville and the others.

“Okay, give me a second.” I sigh and surround myself in my wandless magic, grown stronger from my peaceful coexistence with White Storm. A moment later and Fred was placing me into his magically extended pocket. They begin their walk to the edge of the wards at Aunt Muriel’s.

“Send us word via coin when you’re there.” Ginny says. I mew an agreement, sticking my head out of the pocket to rasp my tongue over her reaching hand. And then we were gone.

We arrived just before curfew and the streets were crowded with hurrying students trying to get back in time. They wore brave expressions as they walked among the death eaters, fear barely hidden beneath such masks.

“What good luck; a Hogsmeade visit. You’ll get into the castle no problem.” Fred whispers in relief to me. I nudge his hip in confirmation. “We’ll go as far as the Three Broomsticks and leave you there. Any further will be too dangerous.” George mutters. Movement alerts me to their walking quickly and I sit with barely composed impatience. The quiet whispers of students and the strong smell of blooming spring came through the open pocket before all was still.

“Out you go, Tigress. Don’t wait around.” Fred warns as he sets me on the ground out of sight. I lick his hands and rub my back along George’s leg. They give me identical winks and turn on the spot, vanishing from sight. I turn and start towards the castle, mingling into a group of Ravenclaws as we wound our way up the path to the castle. Not a single hesitation and then I was through, dashing hurriedly ahead of them towards the towering walls of my once-upon-a-time home. With the circumstances and the authorities over it, it looked more a prison than I had ever thought it could.

I slip past Filch with no trouble as he was too busy harassing a group of students at the door for having WWW products on them. Idiots.

I flick my tail from left to right as I walk down the halls, alarmed at what I took in. It was worse than before; colder, emptier, more hopeless. I waste no time in making my way to Gryffindor Tower and the Fat Lady opened for me as I stood before her. I give a mew of thanks and head up to the boy’s dormitory.

Neville’s things were gone. And no one was there. I let loose a growl of worry and frustration and make my way to the Room of Requirement instead. There were more death eaters about, almost twenty more, and I had to hide several times. What had happened while I was gone?

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