chapter three

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finnie 🥺🎸🧃

day two

day two ?

it is now day two of making you fall in love with me before you get to see what I look like 😋🙈

mills, how many times do I have to tell you
we're just going to be friends!
I don't care how pretty you are
this is strictly a friendship

mhm that's what you're saying now finnie
but we're soulm8s 🤝✨😽
I can feel it
and soon you'll feel it too

i'm not gonna get through to you am I

so just deal with it

so what've you been doing all morning

i've been watching movies
i watched moonrise kingdom this morning so now I have the sudden urge to be outside🥺✨
i think i'm gonna lay in my backyard
listening to music 🎶🥰

listen to wilco for me 😎
i've been stoked to watch the french dispatch
I hope that's still coming out this year

i'm already listening to wilco so
beat you to it 😌
I've been waiting for that one to come out 😩

pls tell me you're watching it because you're actually interested in the film and not because of that... man

why can't it be both 😏
I LOVE timothée chalamet

doesn't every girl
don't get me wrong the guy seems cool
and all but seriously ?
girls drool over him for just breathing

it's because he has every quality that a man is supposed to have
and which boys severely LACK 😌✋🏼
he is simply just, perfect.

you know i'm not gonna disagree with you because I know I won't win

you really won't 😚
so what have you been up to all morning
thinking about me ? hehe 😏

i've been listening to music all morning
it helps calm me down
i've sort've been stressed abt school lately

uh oh🥺
that's no bueno
are you okay ?

yeah no, i'm fine
i just have really bad anxiety
and my school works been piling up
so it's sorta just stressing me out

why aren't you doing your work ?
it's like you said
it's easier to do it from home cause there's no one to stop you from cheating🙊

yeah I know it's just
it's easier to do it at school when there's someone who's actually forcing you to do the work

well i still think you shouldn't let it stress you out
and if it makes you feel better they're not legally allowed to bring down your grade so if you were passing last semester then you're all good 😌😌

that makes me feel a bit better
i should still probably be doing the work tho

you should
but don't let it stress you out!

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