chapter two

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Finnie 🥺🤝😽

watcha doin

not doing much
just in my room strumming my guitar

why did you just get 10x hotter 😏

how do you even know if i'm hot to begin with lol
and yeah i've been playing since I was a kid
I can play a load of other instruments too

some people have gaydar, I have hot-dar
if that makes sense 😐
okay let's just say I can tell if someone is hot or not by the way they text
and you sir are giving off very hot vibes ✨✨😏

lol well i'm not, so don't get your hopes up

oh don't be so modest finnie ☺️
my hot-dar has never let me down

what are you up to

i'm laying on the grass in my backyard listening to music
i miss seeing the world 🥺🥺

yeah tell me about it
what kinda music are you into

I listen to everything
but mostly indie and rock
been listening to a lot of grapetooth recently
and I can't get the frights latest album out of my head 😖😔

everything seems like yesterday?
I love that album!
I listen to a lot of indie
I think my favorites are wilco and twin peaks

he's baby

you're cat is way cooler than the both of us combined 😳

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you're cat is way cooler than the both of us combined 😳

oh trust me, I know
I love him with my whole HEART

I have a cat too

send pic!!

i don't have any lol

WHAT! what kind of cat dad are you🤨🤨

hey i'm a great cat dad! I just happen to respect my cats privacy

uh huh
well what's its name

her name is mittens lol

oh my god finn
that is the most basic cat name

well it's not my fault
my mom named her

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