"Having fun, so please don't ruin it." I groan but he just shrugs moving closer. Isn't he going to yell at me or something?

He leans against the bar looking down at me.

"Ok." He leans in and whispers. I felt his lip brush my ear causing my face to heat up. "But you seem bored.."

"I would be dancing but I don't want to rip anything. Sure you would appreciate that." I say with a glare as he chuckles.

"Hannah tell you to come tonight?" He asks trying to start a conversation.

"No, Emmaline. We ran into each other after class and she told me to come." I hum taking a sip of my drink.

"Ah, Emma." He says with a smile shaking his head.

"She's British right. Also is one of your inner circle members." I said him a questionable look.

"She moved here last year. She was a part of an abusive family, she has a harsh past." He says a frown coming to his lips. "But that never brings her spirit down. After she moved she ran away and I found her in one of my clubs. I watch her for one night and the next day she was working for me. She had been scamming my customers into giving her more money. It was genius, she had everyone there fooled. And none of my boys were as smart so I made her my brains." He explains.

"She seems sweet," I whisper quietly.

"But sadly she's no queen." He says leaning in closer making me back up a bit. I ask for another drink almost drinking the whole thing.

"Ho bisogno di più" I mumble harshly. The person working hands me another glass, I send him a smile as leaves me alone. With Elijah.
{t-I need more}

"Why are you drinking? You're not going to get drunk so you can dance the night away." He asks his browns pushing together in worry

"I just needed a drink and a night without my problems," I whisper playing with my bracelet.

"You shouldn't drink to forget." He says slowly.

"Don't worry I'm not drinking to forget you, I'm drinking to forget myself," I say as I finish my drink. The alcohol starting to hit.

"You should slow down, don't want you to get hurt or anything." He chuckles dryly watching me carefully.

"I feel fine," I say trying to keep my speech straight. He smiles slowly.

"Let's get you to a room, right? I have a bottle of vodka don't worry." He says grabbing my waist pulling me away from the bar and dance floor.

"Wait, wait!" I squeal stopping him from moving me making me slam into his hard chest. "Hannah doesn't know where I'm going, I don't want to worry her."

He sighs, pulling out his phone. A couple of minutes later Hannah and Emmaline show up. Hannah looks like she was about to pass out, but Emmaline looked fine.

"Thank you, Emma can you take her to the room next to mine?" He asks her she nods quickly.

"On it," She says cheerfully as we walk to the elevator together. I lean slightly on Elijah as I felt my head spin softly. After a short quiet ride up we get off at the top floor. Hannah and Emmaline disappear into a room as Elijah pulls me into the one next to hers.

"I'll tell Emma to leave a note for Hannah, so when she awake and actually herself she won't worry." He says as we walk into the room. It had a large view of the city as all the walls were windows. When he realizes I'm not talking much he mumbles something that I don't hear.

"Vodkas on the counter." He says pointing at the kitchen area. I smile walking over to it grabbing the bottle.

"Can we go onto the balcony?" I hum opening the bottle, taking a deep sip.

"Of course," He says awkwardly helping me outside making sure I don't fall. The outside was closed off and small but it had a big couch overlooking the city. I practically fell onto it, Elijah just sat down next to me hunched over.

I just drank in silence as we both looked at the city sky.

"I can still remember," I mumble, placing the bottle on the floor. "I just want to forget.."

"Oakley, you can drink too much and forget the night before but I've learned you can never drink enough to forget the people you loved and lost." I hear him say as I feel tears in my eyes.

I felt his hand on my cheek causing my lookup. "But," He starts. "One day you need to let everything in and it won't hurt, you won't want to forget. It won't be soon but you will need to."

"Thank you.." I whisper hugging him. Well, I kinda was laying on top of him with my arms wrapped around his neck but it was still a hug. "Thank you for keeping me safe and letting me be an emotional wreck around you."

"Anytime my queen." He hums helping me stand up.

"Bedtime?" I ask yawning loudly.

"Mhm, bedtime." He walks me inside and to the king-size bed. He walks away and comes back with a hotel robe. "Change into this so you aren't uncomfortably."

I nod snatching it out of his hands. I change quickly and walk back out. I still had my heels on but I didn't care. I laid down on the bed feeling my eyes shutting.

Before I passed out I felt my shoes being tugged off me gently. Then the door shutting.


hope you enjoy part 18!!
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changed the cover up
it's looks better i think
love y'all

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