Xaiver's Dream

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10:00 p.m. March 27, 2013. 7 years after the first Triant Outbreak Case.
I walked into the pitch blackness with my heart heavy. I saw the silhouette, laying on top the covers in the bed. Her silhouette. I smiled, and sat on the bed, crawling over to her side. I pulled her to me, an arm around her stomach. I heard her stir, murmur, and shift to look at me. I smiled, I would get to see my love's beautiful face. But the horror that greeted me, made me freeze: a black mottled grotesque face. Empty pits for eyes, rotting yellow teeth, a black ooze that seemed like an endless abyss that covered the face.
"Wh...what?" I breathed, trying to squirm backwards, but the ooze had wrapped itself around me, holding me in place. Tentacles spurted from the yellow teeth and rotted tounge, grabbing me by the face. I woke with a shriek, sitting up in the old wood cabin hidden within the dieing woods.
"What the fuck was that?"

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