Natalie's Dream

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 72:00:00 hours left.


Tears filled her eyes, confused, surrounded by a ring of people, screaming curses and accusations.

This was the first facility full of working humans ever established, the most running and succesful. A 14 year old Natalie just happened to live here now, and boy was she a trouble maker here.


"N...No, please, I'm sorry.." Natalie began to back up, towards the tear in the fence, which hungry infected hands we're reaching out greedily for their next meal. She cowered back in fear at the screaming people, crying, "Please! I didnt mean to! It was an accident! Me and  Xa-"
It hit her. Xaiver is his name! He was my- Her thoughts were cut off by her own scream, as the hands reached out and grabbed her.

And then she saw him. Standing in his black skinny jeans and rugged plaid shirt, silver hair tossled to one side, ony staring as rotting teeth sunk into her shouder.

She screamed out, "XAIVER! HELP ME!" Over and over, her cries and screams split the deathly silent air. But he just stood, and watched as the flesh cravers dug into her, puling her apart.

As the light began to leave her eyes, he approached her and stared down at her, the zombies arms trying to grab him but only going through him. On her dying breaths, she whimpered, "Xaiver...Why?..."

He only closed his eyes and shook his head, "Because I love you."
And then everything for her went black.

And she'd wake up the next day, tears in her eyes, her skin crawling from a dream that was too surreal.

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