Mcgonagall Knows What You Did This Week

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“Harry? Where the bloody hell were you?”, Draco asked curiously, looking up into Harry’s eyes with a quirk of his eyebrow. With a closer inspection of Harry when the raven got closer, the blonde added, “Why are you blushing?”

Before Harry could answer, Parkinson cut in with a smirk on her face, directing her answer towards Draco, “He got caught by everyone at the punch line staring at your arse, Darling.”

Harry’s face reddened further, glancing guiltily down at Draco, pushing his hand through his hair again. He was surprised to see a faint blush on the slightly shorter males pale features. Parkinson however, seemed to revel in their situation and laughed delightedly.

She patted the two on their shoulders and whispered to them through fits of giggles, “You two might want to leave, people are starting to stare. They must’ve heard about Potter’s little spectacle.”

Harry looked around and could see that she was right, people were glancing their way. He looked back to Parkinson, only to find that she was gone, he looked over to Draco to find that the blonde was sporting a more apparent blush and looked slightly uncomfortable.

Harry grabbed ahold of Draco’s hand, interlacing their fingers and pulled him towards the doors, before they could make it all the way out, Harry heard a barrage of catcalls. He stopped, keeping hold of Draco’s hand, and looked back only to see Seamus, Dean, and Ron standing in the middle of a laughing crowd.

“Yeeeeah! Get it mate!”

“Show him how to properly ride a broomstick!”

“Show him just how useful your wand really is!”

“Put that parseltongue to use and charm his snake!”

“I bet you can make him scream louder than a banshee!”

“We already know he does that, remember the silencing charm incident.” ”Shut up, Dean.”

Hermione stepped up, “Harry James Potter, you better be using protection!”

“You better show Potter what that arse can do since Potter was staring at it so much!”, Parkinson yells.

Suddenly the entire Great Hall went silent, and everyone looked to the figure cutting it’s way to the front of the crowd effortlessly. Harry could feel the color drain from his face. Fuck.

Headmistress McGonagall stood silently at the front of the gathered students, staring directly at Harry and Draco.

“Potter. Malfoy. Follow me.”

She made her way towards the Hall entrance and was soon out of sight down the corridor.

Harry looked towards Draco to find a panicked look on the aristocratic face. Harry was sure that he looked the same way.

There was no choice, they followed after the Headmistress, finding her down a deserted hallway, looking stern and commanding.

Harry stepped up, pulling Draco gently along with him, before letting each other's hands go.

“Now. I expect you know why you are here.”, she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Neither replied, choosing to look at the stone floor. She sighed, but continued on, her voice steely.

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