Mike x Brook. Pt 3

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Hello gorgeous
Please do enjoy

Brooks POV

The movie was now half way done until the power completely went out, everybody was now booing at the black screen ahead of us.
I turn towards to the boy next to me and decided to make conversation with him.

I just started of the conversation as any other person would, or so I thought. "Hey uh hi sorry again about before ha chaotic dumb ass right here" I blurt out super fast trying not to make it anymore awkward than it had to be,
but that didn't particularly work. "Oh ha hey again" he replied softly but just loud enough so I could hear him over everybody else in the theatre who's screaming and shouting,

"Sooo what's your name?"I awkwardly ask the boy that is in front of me that I could just barley see "I'm Mike, Mike Wheeler"
he mumbled softly "what about you, what's your name" I froze for a second realising what I've gotten myself into,

My brother Boris Pavlikovsky has been known for stealing shit and a lot of stuff like that
Basically he's just a bad ass
Not in the cool way
Just a dickhead
But a nice one,
he's been in juvenile prison before. Boris was in there for a good two years when my parents where still around, I still recon that was the reason they left us
I snap back into reality and finally reply to mike
"Right uh my names Brooklyn but you can call me Brook" I say with a smile, deliberately not saying my surname.

Mike just smiled at my response,
"soo Brook whoooooo?"
Although my brother was sitting right next to me, everybody still thinks he's some elaborate criminal he's not he won't hurt a fly,
I decide to suck it up and just tell him exactly who I am "Pavlikovsky" I say emotionless, if he doesn't like me for who I am I don't give two shits..

He turned back to me and gave off a large smile "cute name" he said which made me feel very flustered and 'giggly'. "Oh uh- thanks" I managed to say without turning into a lovely dovey mess.

Mike had introduced me to his friends Will Max and Lucas, we all sat in silence still waiting for the movie to come on, "look guys this is really fucking annoying just sitting here, do guys wanna go to scoops?" I ask shifting my body to face the four other teenagers.
They all turn and look at each other and just nod and smile "yeah sounds good let's go" Max said cheerfully

The five of us trotted out of the cinema and headed towards scoops.

Once we arrived and we where all in the light and I could actually now focus on all of there faces without squinting and struggling to even see the outline of them,

I realise
how gorgeous Max is
and how


I just give a goofy smile in mikes direction,

We find a free table and sit down at it beginning to chit chat away.

Me and max surprisingly
Have wayyy to much in common she's such a lovely person though.
Max a I both have/had abusive family members, her brother billy sounds like an absolute dick.

We all order some ice creams and I begin to talk more to mike,
now growing an interest in him.

The way he talks to me even drives me completely insane.
Although I've just met him.
I'm no whore but I swear to fucking god I would hook up with him with no hesitation.

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