2 3/4 cups all purpose flour

Start from the beginning


Walking outside they kept their distance from the small house near a tree. After a while of drawing in the dirt and chatting they can hear doors opening and closing from inside. The two got up, walked over, and knocked. Everything went still. The stranger from inside stood still in fear. How could anyone find this place? Is someone here to rob the house? Bravely, they approached the door and opened it slowly.

Shock overcame two of the three. Dead silence filling up the scene with Jake smiling and giggling, looking back and forth between the two.

[(Y/N) POV]

I couldn't move, I couldn't process what was happening. My brain can't take this in! It looks like another human at my door. What's happening??

The teenage boy in a white hat and blue outfit loudly exclaimed, "You're a human boy??! Wait are you really human??!!"

Caught back in reality I nod quickly. I see him getting closer, looking at my hair and poking my face lightly, in which it heats up but is barely noticeable. A moment after he apologizes and steps back.

"It's... okay, my name is (Y/n), it's really nice to meet another human. You are one too, right?" I asked quietly, still in disbelief.

"Uh, oh! Yeah! My name's Finn, this is Jake." I then see Finn point to the dog next to him.

"Sup." Jake says.

I move aside from the door and ask them to come in and sit down at the table. They do so and we begin to chat. I got to know them, they were adventurers who save and search the land of Ooo. They're funny dudes.

This feels weird. It doesn't feel wrong but I still don't know if I like this. I've been so alone but I guess this is what I need anyways. A chance to socialize again.

I didn't realize but I had zoned out, snapping back to reality with Finn close to me and waving his hand in between our faces.

"Dude! You alright?" Finn asked.

"Oh.. Oh! I'm sorry! Got lost in thought." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well, I kinda wanna ask you something if you don't mind." I hear him say. Nervously, I reply with a 'go ahead'.

"Have you been the one picking apples and leaving them in baskets on the ground for a small green elephant?"

Oh, is that why they're here?

I avoided eye contact while speaking, "Uh, yeah actually. Sometimes I go wander around the forest and a while ago I saw them struggling trying to pick apples."

Jake decided to speak, "Her name's Tree Trunks by the way, she makes some awesome apple pie." 

I chuckled, "Well I assume so."

"Oh yeah, can I ask you something else, (Y/N)?" Finn cleared his throat.

I nodded.

"Can we... have a cookie from your counter?" Finn then gestured to the plate. Jake started to smile.

Oh. I forgot about those. I hope they're still warm.

"Uhh of course! It'd be nice to have some feedback on how they taste since i've kinda been alone. Please share your thoughts on them."

Getting up I brought the plate to them, they grabbed one, me taking one as well and eating. Jake snickered, devouring it in one bite and reviewed it, "This is INCREDIBLE." Finn finishes his and does a little dance agreeing with Jake. I giggle and feel a small smile spread across my face.

Finn complimented, "Man, you're a great baker, (Y/N). Thank you for blessing us with cookies."

"I'm glad you like them," A weird feeling swelled in my stomach but I continued to talk. "If you ever feel like having something nice, just come by. If it's not too much trouble, I'm guessing I'm pretty far away." My statement was distinguishably laced with hesitation. I'm not sure if I'll regret saying that or not.

Jake piped up, "The adventure is worth the treasure." Finn agreed, giving a loud 'mhm!'.

They decided to head home as the afternoon came rolling to an end. We said our goodbyes and the two walked off with bright smiles. I smiled as well, it was definitely not the day I expected. Will good come of this? Will I be able to move on? Maybe. I hope so. I also hope I don't regret it.

mmm simp town.
page one is done. how will this go? i dont know. will this end up in the trash in the next month? i dont know. am i a teen boy with a crush on finn? yeah, definitely. am i upset there is no good(not up to my standards, sorry) finn x male reader fanfiction? absolutely. am i hoping that people will find this and like it? kinda.


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