Her hand rested in his large, warm one as she slept, her cooler fingers linked with his, but he was awake, wide awake in the uncomfortable hospital chair.

But he didn't dare to move, even though visiting hours were over, a nurse was yet to realize he was still here, sitting in the darkness at almost 10pm. I guess with her being stable but still hooked to the machines they didn't need to check on her like they did when she was out. Because as soon as her heart rate dropped to low the machine would be loud enough to alert basically the whole hospital.

Wesley was ok with sitting in the dark, holding her hand while she slept but he didn't. He was completely fine doing it. He hadn't been with her in three days and he didn't want to leave her, certainly not any time soon.

His eyes wondered through the darkness, the moonlight gave him just enough light to see the outlines of objects.

His eyes quickly snap over to Ella as she moves, Mumbling something in her sleep before her eyes shoot open. 'You ok?' Wesley asks, She swallows, shrugging her shoulders softly. 'Just a nightmare..' she trails off and Wesley frowns, standing from his seat.

'Did you want to talk about it?' he asks but she shakes her head, her eyes scanning over him before she moves slightly over and that's all Wesley needed her to do, for him to now what she wanted.

So he climbed onto the bed, careful not to hurt her in any way as he lays down beside her, slipping his arm under her neck as she cuddles into the side of his body, her head burying into the crook of his neck as she lets out a content breath, her hand resting on his stomach.

'Did you want me to get you anything?' I question, grabbing my wallet from the small table, Ella bites her lip before speaking. 'Orange juice maybe? like proper orange juice they sell at the little cafe. Because this shit is watered down' she frowns and i laugh.

'I'll get you some proper orange juice, don't stress' i smirk and she narrows her eyes before playfully rolling them. 'I wont be long' i speak before heading out, smiling as i pass Anne who enters Ella's room.

When i arrive i order a coffee and a bottle of orange juice, sitting down to wait for my order and i smile and thank the lady when she calls it out, taking the cup in one hand and the bottle in the other as i head back to Ella's room.

'I don't need help!' I hear Ella's voice echo through the hallway as i near her door and i rush, stopping in the door frame as i look at her, An angry expression covering her face. 'Ella please, from what you did to yourself you have to, you don't have a choice' Anne speaks in a soft tone but Ella just continues to glare at her.

'I'm not getting counseling! i will be fine!' Ella calls out before noticing me, a frown covering her lips. 'Please, Wesley. Don't let them do this to me' she pleads, grabbing onto the bar of her bed and i swallow before looking to Anne.

'Whats happening to her?' i ask, raising my eyebrows and Anne sighs. 'Because of the reason shes here.. she has to be put into counseling for her problems, its the law.' she states. 'I don't give a fuck about the law, you cannot force me into this!' Ella growls and i sigh, handing her the orange juice before placing my cup down.

'Anne could you uh...' i trail off and she nods, giving me a smile before she walks out, closing the door behind her. 'Wesley please' Ella frowns looking towards me. 'Please don't let them do this to me. You know i can't do other people! i only need you please. Please make them see that' she whimpers out and i head towards her straight away as she begins to cry.

I bend over the bed, pulling her into a hug. I feel her tears soak through my shirt as she grips the material in her hands, shaking her head. 'Please. Please!' she cries and my heart breaks, 'I'll try.' i whisper, pressing my lips to the top of her head.


'There has to be something we can do, Anne. She can't go to counseling. thats final' i state, my hands placed flat on her desk. She shrugs. 'I thought you of all people would want her to do this' she says and i shake my head. 'Yous dont understand!' i exclaim, standing up straight.

'She isn't good with people, putting her into this will make her worse. shes not a people person, god i was lucky enough to get into her life. I'm not risking that girl, shes not doing it.' i say and she narrows her eyes on me. 'Wesley, i don't know who you are really, but i know you have no legal rights when it comes to that girl and her parents do. They've already given me the ok. that's all i need.' she states and i narrow my eyes on her this time.

'Because her parents don't give a single fuck about her! they're stupid, inconsiderate fools and yous are even more fucking stupid for letting them decide her own fucking life! i'm going to put an end to this. No matter what it takes!' i shout before storming out, heading out the front for some fresh air.

I groan out in annoyance as i sit on a brick wall, shaking my head before running a hand through my fairly messy hair. What the fuck was i going to do?!

Wesley didn't know how Ella was going to take what he thought of. But he thought of a way he could help her out of counseling. But he didn't know if she would agree.

He takes in a deep breath as he grabs the handle to her door before he pushes it open, met with a pair of sad eyes and he frowns.

'Ella. I can't stop them. Because your parents are still your legal guardians. they gave the hospital the ok' he speaks and she groans out, shaking her head as she looks away from him.

'I can't do it' she croaks out, a tear rolling down her cheek. I swallow before stepping forward. 'I have one idea, but i'm not sure if you'll agree..' he trails off.

Her head snaps towards him, eyebrows raised. 'What is it?' she asks. He takes in a deep breath. 'Let me become your legal guardian.'





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