Chapter 42

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~Be safe and come back healthy Junmyeon~

"You thought it was smart to place a mic right?" He smirked, his dark gaze stayed on Lay when he continued talking: "Yesterday, my friend placed one too. Right here." His words were barely out of his mouth when he turned more towards to the couch, his gun still pointed at you. Without seeing where it came from, he shows the mic. Apparently it was the whole time in the couch. He had heard everything they had said from the moment the mic was placed.

"S-So you've heard everything?" Lay asked, trying to hide the little stuttering in his voice. His cousin smirked and his deep voice said a small, but disgusting 'yes' Baekhyun, who didn't want to do nothing anymore, quickly went to the backyard and entered the house through the door on the back of the house. Before entering the living, he searched for something that could be used as a weapon. His eyes were scanning the area as soon as possible and his gaze found a stick. No idea what it did there, but it's hella helpful.

He quickly grabbed it and opened the door what makes it possible to enter the living. The enemy wasn't facing Baekhyun. He was showing his back, so Baekhyun pressed his lips on each other and quickly, but carefully came closer to him. He felt your gaze on him and also the one of his hyung, but he just ignored it. His hand were wrapping around the stick, making himself ready, but he has to think about it wisely. The gun was still pointed on you, so if he hits him on the head, he would fall unconscious -maybe death-, but what if Lay's cousin accidentally pulls the trigger when he falls? Then you would be death and that's clearly not what Baekhyun wants. He would cry his eyes out because you're so precious to him.
~Actually I think Exo-L is really precious to Baekhyun I mean he's sooooo sweet to us. Especially last time. He was like asking us if it would be okay to go on the V app and then he did and he was sooooo cute. He was way too sweet omo my heart. Isn't this a sign he love us very much?~

Unfortunately, Baekhyun was thinking too much and because yours and Lay's gaze was on him, the enemy started thinking something was off. So he looked back, only to see a Baekhyun standing there with a stick, considering if he should just hit him and take a risk or not. "Yah. What are you doing? Drop that now!" Lay's cousin said, turning towards your boyfriend. The gun was finally not pointed at you anymore. You could breath again, but not for long because it was now on Baekhyun.

With the gun pointed on him, Baekhyun could rake the risk to be shot. He don't care if he dies as long as it isn't you or Lay. Baekhyun just awkwardly smiled, before his face changed and he hit him. He never thought he was capable of physically hurting someone because he never did before. The enemy stumbles and Baekhyun hit again. Lay saw the opportunity to help so he throw his fist towards his cousin. It didn't fel right to do, but otherwise this won't ever stop and his cousin will harass you even more. He would even kill you by time.

So with the three fighting, you could only watch. You were frozen and didn't know what to do. You want to help, but your not a good fighter. You blinked a few times, before you noticed the enemy still had the gun in his hand. Your mind went blank for a nanosecond, but you immediately ran towards him and tried to kick his hand with your feet. You want to make him lose grip on the gun so he would drop it and you could take it away, but Baekhyun quickly grabbed your arm making a sign he wants you to stay out of it. That's when it went wrong. Because Baekhyun was not paying attention for a second, the enemy points his gun on him and shoots.

After the loud noice was made, it went silent. Baekhyun felt a heavy pain in his shoulder, just a little above his heart. He drops the stick, stumbles back, looks at the place where the bullet hurt him and saw blood. It was a spot, but it was slowly turning into a whole ocean. His gaze went back up, seeing Lay had kicked the gun out of his cousin's hands and made him unconscious by punching him a few times in the face. Baekhyun felt himself dizzy and his legs were about to collapse, so he tried leaning on his hands using the table as support, but he didn't last for long.

He fell down and had trouble breathing. He doesn't know what's happening. He just feels pain. It was burning in his shoulder, making him feel more dizzy. He felt hands on his arm for a short moment, but they quickly went to his shoulder, pressing on his wound to make it bleed less. Baekhyun's gaze was exploring the ceiling, but it was as if it was moving around, because he was feeling dizzy. Suddenly, he saw Lay calling an ambulance, his hands trembling. The look on his face made Baekhyun concerned, because he looks as if he was on the edge of crying.

Then he saw you. You... you were beautiful as always, but now you were crying. Tears were finding their way down by rolling over your cheeks. He doesn't like it when you're crying, he wants you to stay happy, he wants you to smile. He brought his hand up to your face with the little strength he still had, to wipe your tears. His voice was weak when he spoke: "Don't cry." The little smile he gave you, made you cry even more. The last strength he had in his arm was now gone and it fell on the ground. The wound was so painfully, but because you were pressing on it, it was hurting even more. His hand went to his shoulder. He didn't even know how he found the power to reached your hands. He grabbed them carefully. He wants you to stop pressing on it, but he couldn't ask it. The only thing he could do was enjoy the warmth of your hands, before he his consciousness slowly started floating away.

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