The word around the pack.

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Olivia gently took mine and her bowls out of the microwave and placed them onto the counter she walked over to me and gently picked me up and placed me on her hip. Ever since Olivia found my paci and I told her about me being a little she has been so supportive.

"Is someone's little tummy hungry"

she said tickling my sides I started to giggle when she had placed me back down onto the counter beside the bowls. She scooped up the oat meal and started to feed me. As we sat there going back and forth eating and feeding each other we could hear the thumping of footsteps running past the kitchen and heading towards the dinning room. I whimpered slightly and griped the end of her dress she gently patted my head and hushed me. We sat there waiting and when the hour had passed and the commotion died down and everyone left we headed to the dinning hall to clean up the mess.

I went straight to gather dishes up and passing them to Olivia who took them to the kitchen. Once all the plates were cleaned I started to wipe down the tables when the alpha walked in with his "Luna" well she isn't really to be quite frank she is his play thing that he decided to give the title of Luna to Stacy even though she doesn't deserve it. As they walked in I kept my head down and stared at my shoes suddenly they became very interesting. I saw Olivia quickly approaching
My side as they walked up to us. I could feel the disgust rolling off of her in waves.

"I've come to talk to you both about an important event being held tonight for the two alpha kings."

Me and Olivia turned and looked at each other with shock clearly written on our faces. The alpha kings were cold and ruthless and were willing to kill anyone who even looked at them the wrong way. I felt myself starting to shake when I felt Olivia grab a hold of my hand. I looked up at her as she gave my
A quick nod.

"Yes alpha, what time are they to be expected sir?" Asked Olivia. I sat there gocking at the fact that she spoke to him he looked her up and down and then said.

"5:00 o'clock this evening they are Looking for there mate I expect there to be good food on the table and the dining room spotless. Do you understand me?"

"Yes alpha" replied Olivia.

satisfied with that Awnser he and Stacy walked away I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in me and Olivia went back to the kitchen and started to cook everything we could from chicken to pastries to fresh bread.

Im not going to lie I'm scared but then Olivia assured me that we wouldn't even be meeting them and that's true. " lowlifes " like us would not! Be able to attend the soirée the alpha would make sure of that. With that final thought I began to stir the soup.

"Finally!" I sighed well slumping against the stove onto the floor. Olivia following not long after.

" I hope we don't get yelled at that was a hole three hours of non stop cooking!" She said tiredly

I nodded " yes I think everything will be to the kings and alphas liking" I smiled happily. I stood holding my hands out for Olivia to join me. She gladly accepted with a smile and stood to her feet.

" after all that I need a nap, we both better be going anyway! It's 4:00 o'clock and we don't need the alpha yelling at us."

" ya he will flip his lead if he sees us in here" I said agreeing.

Hand in hand we kept our heads down walking out of the kitchen omegas are not allowed to make eye contact with the other pack members or that will result in a beating. Honestly I feel like I can survive through anything as long as Olivia is by my side. I love her so much and I don't know what I'd do without her. I would have been so lonely here. We both make our way To her "quarters" which is in the basement the Alpha put her nearby the kitchen so in case he ever wants food quickly made up she can do it. We head down the stairs and sigh happily as we lay down on the bed.

"I'm so happy to be done!" I nod in agreement.

"Me too! Now let's go for a nap I can barley keep my eyes open!"

" fine fine okay" she fluffs the blankets over both of us. As I snuggle into her about to sleep I can't help but wonder if this is all my life will ever be. Don't get me wrong if she's by my side I don't care where I am. I just want her to be happy. And I don't think she truly is here. My eyes slowly start to close I a fall into black.

( hey guys! I hope this was good and I'm so Thankful for whoever is currently reading my book. So a big thank you to you. I hope you're enjoying it and if you have any questions/suggestions/concerns please comment down below thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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