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Here is the first official part of Lost Son for ya seeing as the last part was basically just an extension of the epilogue of Not As It Seems. ANYWAYS. Here ya go. Enjoy. Sorry it took so long. I have been super busy.

Jason got on the back of Jade's bike, wrapping his arms around her waist after putting his helmet on. They took off into the night, maneuvering the streets of Gotham easily towards their destination. They stopped at a red light and Jason leaned forward, resting his chin on Jade's shoulder. "So, how're Will and Lian?"

Jade snorted. "Really, Jason? We're about to crash a high end party to find a doctor good enough to treat your condition, kidnap said doctor, and possibly fight Batman to get away with it. And you're asking how my family is doing."

Jason smirked. "Just trying to keep things light."

"You're unbelievable."

"Unbelievably se- oof!" Jason grunted when Jade elbowed him in the torso, leaning back on the bike slightly as they took off once more.

The rest of their ride went by in silence and they reached their destination, hopping off the bike to get changed into their party outfits, hiding weapons in various places on their persons. Once they were satisfied that they blended well enough, Jason offered his arm to Jade and the two made their way out of the bushes and to the pathway leading to the sprawling manor before them.

"Now remember, follow my lead and stick close." Jade muttered through a smile as they flashed their tickets to the doorman, making their way into the home and down to the ballroom.

"I am no amateur." Jason rolled his eyes.

"No, but you do have amnesia." Jade reminded him. "Hence why we're here."

"You're such a buzzkill." The duo entered the ballroom, being met with the low hum of people talking and the heady smell of mingling perfumes. Jason wrinkled his nose. "It smells like a funeral."

Jade snorted. "Come on, lets go get something to eat, get a lay of the land."

"Ooh, yes. Food sounds good." Jason agreed, allowing Jade to pull him towards the buffet table. "But wait, what if it is poisoned?"

Jade gave him a look. "I would be the one to poison it and trust me, I didn't poison it. But if it makes you feel better, I have antidotes to pretty much every known and unknown toxin."

"That does actually make me feel better, thank you." Jason snickered when Jade pinched him. "No need to get testy, Jade."

Jade didn't reply to Jason's quip, she just shoved a plate of food at him. "Here, now let us see what we have for guests."

"Oh, does that mean we-"

"Yes, we mingle."

"Gross." Jason made a face, taking a bite of the food Jade grabbed him. "I hate people."

The duo made their way through the crowd of people, chatting and gossiping with the socialites as if they were one of them and not just out to get information. They moved effortlessly from group to group, slyly prying the information they needed from the wealthy party goers.

"If you are looking for a-"

"-good doctor then you-"

"-should definitely see Doctor-"

"-Hugo Strange, at your service." The bald man introduced himself to Jade and Jason, holding his hand out to shake. Jason accepted it while Jade sipped her drink. 

"Doctor Strange, I hear you specialize in psychology and genetics. Just what we are looking for." Jade stepped forward. 

"You heard correctly. What, pray tell, may I help you with?" Strange smiled at the two, a glint in his eyes. 

"You see, my companion here, Jason, has been suffering with amnesia since a horrific near death experience a year ago. We were wondering if you could help restore his memories?" Jade mused, eyeing Strange skeptically. 

"Hmm. Well, I would have to access his condition but that is something I may be able to assist with." Strange nodded. "What are you willing to pay? I am a busy man and I don't come cheap."

"We'll pay handsomely, don't you worry." Jade smiled charmingly. She noticed Bruce Wayne from the corner of her vision, eyeing the three of them. "Would you be able to start immediately?"

"I don't bel-"

"Sorry, that was a rhetorical question." Jason grabbed Strange's  arm, Jade on the other side, and the three of them started to walk briskly towards the exit. Jason noticed Dick Grayson and Tim Drake start walking in their direction. "We've got company, Jade. One and eleven o'clock."

"I know. Get Strange outside, I'll deal with the brats." Jade reached for the pins in her hair, pulling them out to reveal throwing knives. She hurled them at Dick and Tim, who grabbed trays from nearby waiters and held them in front of their bodies to protect from the projectiles. She smirked. "Treading in dangerous waters, rich boys. Are you sure you want to keep swimming?"

While Jade was inside dealing with Tim and Dick, Jason was dragging Hugo Strange outside to the motorbike. "Let me go! If you think I will help you now, you are out of your damn mind!"

Jason slammed Strange's head off the bike, leaning down to hiss into his ear. "I know who Batman is. At least, I did. Before I lost my memory. Restore my memories and that knowledge is yours too, Strange. Think of all the money you could get from just that little tidbit of information." Strange nodded. "Good. Now, sit nicely while I go help my partner."

Jason ran back into the manor to find Batman engaging in a fight with Jade. Jason paused, narrowing his eyes at the caped crusader. Something was off about him. He looked...older. 

Jumping into the fray, Jason kicked the side of Batman's knees, hearing a crunch. The dark knight fell to the ground, Jason standing over him. He grabbed onto his cowl, glaring down at him in rage. "You aren't the real Batman. You're an imposter." He ripped the cowl off, revealing Alfred Pennyworth. Jason pulled a blade out, holding it under Alfred's chin. "How dare you disgrace Batman's name? He was an admirable fighter, you are pathetic. I should kill you where you are."

Jade grabbed Jason's shoulder. "Red, we've got to go. The police are on their way."

Jason nodded, releasing Alfred. "Another time, then."

The duo ran out to the waiting doctor and motor bike, disappearing into the night. 

Bruce ran up to Alfred, kneeling next to him. "Alfred, are you alright? Where did you get this suit?" He asked loudly.

"That, sir, will be my secret." Alfred smiled slightly. "I will live, master Bruce. Check on the guests."

While Bruce, Dick, and Tim went around checking on the shaken up guests, none of them noticed the small boy slink out the window, a look of satisfaction on his face. He ran to the edge of the manor grounds, getting into a waiting car. "Mother, Strange is in place. Everything is going according to plan." 

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