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**Harry's POV**

I knew I shouldn't have done it, I mean of course he doesn't love me back, who would. I guess Niall just made me think I had a chance. I've probably just ruined one of the best friendships I had ever had, all because I couldn't hide my feelings. I mean he probably hates me now, he probably won't even want to look at me, let alone be my best friend. At least I'll still have Niall and Liam.

I decided to get some sleep as I look over to my clock and it's 3:47am and it's Sunday so I have school tomorrow. I have been up texting Niall about how horrible today was. Just thinking of school tomorrow makes me feel uneasy, having to see the one who rejected me roaming the halls. I just know its going to be awkward.

My mind wanders back to Louis, as it does every night before I go to sleep, his perfect blue eyes, the way the corners of his eyes scrunch up when he smiles and laughs, just everything about him is beautiful. Well to be honest he never really leaves my mind. However this time, I end up with a frown on my face rather than the usual smile, mostly because well, he just rejected me. The image of the texts replay in my head.

Me: Hey Louis, how are you? x

Lou 💙: oh hey harry, I'm doing fine I guess. what about you?

Me: that's good :) I'm doing alright too thanks x

Me: I was just wondering if I could ask you something x

Lou 💙: yea sure what's up

Me: ok I'm just going to go ahead and say it...

Me: well we've been friends for a while and I guess I've kinda developed these feeling for you... I was just wondering if you maybe felt the same way? x

(read 20:37)

So I guess that answered my question, he didn't like me the same way. To say I was hurt would be an understatement. Niall convinced me to do this in the first place because he thought maybe I had a chance and I chose to believe him. Looking back at it now, it maybe seems a bit awkward and I probably shouldn't have done it over text but I didn't have the guts to do it in person.

Finally I drifted off to sleep with a frown on my face and tears staining my cheeks, memories of Lou and I playing together when we were younger played as I dreamt. We had been best friends for a long time, since he had moved into the big house at the bottom of my street when we were just 6. I was playing with my toy cars out in our front garden by myself when he came and introduced himself. He giggled a bit when I just stared up at him, too nervous to say anything back. I had always been shy and didn't have many friends, but then Louis came along and we quickly became best friends (once he had managed to convince me to speak to him).

We would spend hours playing together in the tree house in his back garden. We would bring our toy cars and power ranger figures. We would also talk for hours, it was just perfect and he was the best friend I could ask for.


My alarm went off at 7:30am as always. I immediately got up other wise I would fall back to sleep, I learnt that the hard way far to many times. I stood in front of my wardrobe and pulled out the usual, black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. After pulling on my outfit, I shook my curls lightly and swept it to the side in a fringe so it was no longer pointing in all directions.

After brushing my teeth, I headed downstairs and grabbed a banana, a cup of coffee in one of my travel mugs and I pulled on my shoes before heading out the door to walk to the bus stop.

It was only a 5 minute walk but since it was only January, it was cold enough to have me shivering by the time I got to the bus stop. Luckily, the bus was just pulling up so I didn't have to stand in the freezing cold any longer, I found my way to an empty seat, plugged in my music and stared out the window as we drove towards the school.

My Everything • LSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz