First Interview

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I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until I was woken up by the buzzing sound. "SCP-700, do not be alarmed but a group of guards are coming to escort you to an interrogation room." I stood up, the feeling of pain and numbness was easily ignorable now. The door opened and four heavily equipped guards walked into the room. Their guns weren't pointed at me, but I knew that could change in a second if I didn't do what they wanted. "SCP-700, please follow us to the interrogation room." Two guards stood behind me as I followed the two in front of me out of the room. The hallways were clear, a few people in lab coats would jog by every once in a while. Some held papers, while others held what looked to be medicine, and others would hold nothing. After a very long walk and an elevator ride the guards led me into a room that had a steel table and steel chairs. "Sit in that chair." One of the guards pointed to a chair facing a window and a door. I could see the outline of people through the window, I was really starting to feel like a lab rat. I sat down in the chair and looked around me. The guards walked out the door I entered in locking it behind them. I looked at the window. I could see the outline of a man, and I think two woman beside him writing things down. Suddenly a door next to the window opened and a young lady with a clipboard walked over to me. "Hello SCP-700, I'm going to be asking you a few questions. Is that alright?" I glanced toward a camera that was fixated on me. "I don't think I really have a choice here." I stated. The woman frowned at my response. "Please don't feel like a prisoner. Our job here is to protect the outside world, and you can help us here." I just nodded my head. The woman smiled than cleared her throat as the read the paper on her clipboard. "Earlier in your containment room, you refused to let D-59 approach you. Why is that?" I shrugged. "Isn't it obvious? He was practically on the verge of crumbling in front of me, it was like I was the one torturing him just by looking at him." The woman nodded as she looked back at the clipboard. "Why do you think he was scared of you?" I chuckled. "He wasn't scared of me, he was scared of what I might do to him. Whatever you people did to him has made him terrified of anything. Hell he's probably scared of his own shadow." The woman had no reaction, this time she didn't look down at the paper. "Do you remember anything?" I crossed my arms and leaned in my chair. "Like my home or how I got into this hellhole of a place?" I was getting irritated again. These questions made me feel like I was an enemy to them, an outcast. "How you got here." The woman answered. "Nothing." I said blankly. "I don't remember a single thing." The woman nodded. "What about your home?" I shrugged. "Nothing." The woman looked taken aback. "You're saying you don't remember your family? Friends? Anything?" I shook my head. "It's all just a huge blur, no faces, no names, no memories." The woman looked saddened. "I'm so sorry, but doesn't that scare you?" I rolled my eyes. "Since apparently I'm a monster in your eyes I might as well act like I'm emotionless. How am I supposed to care about something I can't remember. Hell you probably shot them." The woman opened her mouth to say something, but thought against it and closed her mouth. "What do you remember?" I sighed. "That this isn't my home, and that I don't belong here." The woman paused and read the paper again. "How old are you?" I looked down at myself. "I know I'm a teenager, maybe 14?" I didn't know, but also didn't care. "What is your name?" I remembered my name, but I didn't trust these people for a second. "Does it matter if I tell you my name? You keep calling me a number, so why try and change something that is impossible to change?" The woman sighed, good I was getting on her nerves. She placed the clipboard down on the table. "If you want us to help, you're going to have to cooperate." I chuckled and looked at the window, focusing on the tall man. "Who said I wanted your help?" The woman bowed her head and sighed. She picked the clipboard up and walked back into the room. I glared at the camera, I couldn't help myself and flipped the bird at it. The four guards entered the room. "Please exit the room SCP-700." I stood up and walked out walking back towards the way to my new jail cell. I the elevator the guards paid no attention to me. I looked at each of them, there was no reaction. I might be able to sneak by if I were careful enough. "Is there a restroom near here?" A guard slightly glanced at me. There's one in your containment room." I pretended like I had to go. "I didn't see anything, and it's still so far away." I begged. A guard groaned. "I'll take her to the staff one." Apparently one of the guards was female. "We'll come along." A guard said. "No, we're already behind. Go to the next area, I can handle the kid and catch up." The guards finally agreed once the elevator got to my floor. "Be careful." Said a guard going to the left towards the area where my cell was. "I can handle a kid." Said the female guard. I bit my tongue. "This way." The guard les me toward the staff area. I glanced at at every item that she had. She had her riffle strongly in her grip, but there was also a pistol on her hip. She had small pockets on the front of her vest and the rest was pure steel armor. "To the left." She started to turn left, I swiftly grabbed the pistol and before the woman could react I slammed the bottom of the pistol into the area between her helmet and vest. She went down with a loud thud. "Holy shit." I muttered. I looked behind me and in front of me. "My time here is up." I said as I sprinted down a blank hallway hoping my luck is the best it's ever been.

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