Unexpected Love - Chapter 16 (JenLisa FF Story)

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"What are you trying to say, mom? That I just let them do whatever they want? Let them be together? What kind of mother I am if I'll do that?"

"A mother who cares for her daughter. That's what you will become if you'll let them be themselves."

"What? You should be on my side, you know. That is not right, and that will never be right."

"Is that why you run away from her?"

Wait... am I dreaming? Is this a dream? If this is a dream, can I just please wake up?

Maybe... I'm only dreaming because I heard nothing after grandma spoke. There's a silence... an unpredictable silence and darkness around me.

Wait... if I'm only dreaming, why is there a tingling pain in my hand? And why do I feel something squeezing inside my head? It's bearable though, but it still made me winced at the moment I felt it.

But albeit I'm in this state, whether if this is a dream or not, the thing that grandma said put me in deep thought. What did she mean about that? Does mom...

"Do you think I don't know? Huh?"

I heard grandma spoke again, so I pushed myself to wake up. To open my eyes even if the light around is blinding me.

My eyes were only half-open when I tried to lift my head to look for mom and grandma. I saw them standing at the foot of my bed. But... I'm not in my bed. I'm lying in someone else's.

Where am I?


I whispered, and then they both stopped and stared at me.

Well, I'm not sure if they wonder if I heard something or not. But the way grandma ran towards me made me feel like they don't care. That what they only care about was to know if I'm okay or not.

"Hey, baby! How are you?"

The firm and sharp voice that I've heard from grandma a while ago were replaced with a low and soft one.

"You feeling okay, now?"

She asked while she sat on the chair on my left. I want to answer all her questions, but my throat feels dry and a pang of pain slid at the bottom of it.

I grimaced, and she immediately caressed my arm with her left hand. Then mom perched at the right side of the bed with a glass of water.

She slid her hand at the back of my neck and pulled me towards her so I could sit and drink. A few gulps of it, and it quenched the aching thirst I have inside.

"Where am I?"

I said softly.

"Uhm... we're in the hospital."

Grandma answered. Then she shoved the hair messing on my forehead.

Hospital? I know I had lost my consciousness, but is that how bad it was that they need to bring me here?

"You weren't waking up for almost thirty minutes, and we're worried that there might be something serious that had happened to you. That's why we rushed you here."

Mom stood up and put down the glass on the bedside table. Then she paced towards the door before she uttered something.

"I'll just get something at home."

She wasn't looking at me or grandma. She was talking while her back was on us.

Grandma didn't answer nor tilted her head to see mom exit the door. It's as if mom doesn't exist, and as if she didn't hear her said something.

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