Disaster in vizag

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In leading our life, we face so many things and meet different people. In that some teach us lesson to show the right path to reach destination saying to be more careful because life is full of hustle and bustle..

Life is like sailing a boat on water.. As we move towards the bank of river every wave hits the boat with different intensity and by balancing every wave we move to reach destination if we didn't balance then we fell in water and curse ourself as why waves are moving like that..

So think if suppose, the water doesn't move so there is no wave..can we move a step can we balance our boat..

No..so the result is we fell in water..
In the same way God test every person in life with the help of nature sometimes and now the result is corona..and we trying to overcome it..

But what if something happens because of a person negligence.. which results a death..who is responsible for it..

We all know that LG company has created poisonous air pollution results to death..

So, now let's talk about the something related to this case..


1. Why warning bell didn't ring..

2. When work is going on how can they just switch off the emergency bell..

3. Why government didn't arrest the owner..

4. Why they didn't charge any penalty..

5. Why didn't they are talking about shifting of the industry..

And lot more behind the case..


1. Did you know that government didn't gave permission around 2years back as it is dangerous..

2. Did you know that someone big  politician family is involved in this business..

3. Did you know that they more number of people died due to this gas..
In this a mother's lost her girl..
A person lost sister and mother at a time..now he is an orphan..
And a lot more..

4. Did you know that this company didn't gave any job to the people belonged to that near places..

5. Do you know the problem is not even solved and it going to blast if something happened internally..

And lot more behind the case..


In around 1994 one of the company has face same problem and they pay penalty and filed a case on the owner..


1. Do you know why the dead body are sealed in black sheet instead of white..

2. Do you know what type of gas and what was preparing in company..

A lot more behind the case..

Just raise your voice for truth and justice..if you can't atleast support the people who are raising their voice..
Indeed it is needed to the people who are still alive..

Alasatatho nindina jeevithanaki,
Bhayamtho kudina vishranti..
Pakshula ragalu, mandey kiranalu,
Pillala kerinthalu, pedala jagarthalu..
Repu ane ashathi nindina manasu,
Murisina navvu, repavalchina kallu..
Aakashmathuga alala alajadi,
Akashani kamukuna karumabu..
Chitapata laduthuna vayuvu..
Teliyani ukiri bikiri..
Salupukoleni upiri..
Gunda ninda bhayam..
Kalla ninda kaneru..
Kshnamlo kolipoyina pranam..

Translated in English for above lines
(Life is filled with tiredness but got some relaxation with hidden fear..
Waking up with sun rays along with chirping of birds, the day is filled with joy of kids with caring elders..
With the hope I slept with smile thinking that tomorrow will be good..
The sky is filled with black smoke,
the waves are shouting ,
the air is dancing with rage,
Suffocation has started in me,
Heart is beating like drum,
Eyes are filled up with tears,
I lost hope I lost LIFE..)

Dedicated to the people who are suffering in vizag with poisonous air pollution..

Dedicated to the people who are suffering in vizag with poisonous air pollution

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RIP to the people who died in this situation..

Hello cupcakes..♥️♥️

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untill then..
Keep smiling..

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