Tom's... NOT Count Dracula?

Start from the beginning

His boyfriend stared at it with a critical eye, obviously wondering something, but he chose to say nothing. Harry wondered what he was thinking, but didn't think he should ask— they had more important things to discuss.

Instead of saying anything, Harry just flopped down with his back on the bed, sighing happily at the feel of the silk sheets on his skin. He was wearing short sleeves, so it felt nice and relaxing.

His gaze reverted back to Tom, who was staring at him fondly. For a second, Harry saw his eyes turn a deep red— which is why he was here in the first place.

He sat back up, scooting back so he could sit criss-cross at the base of the bed, facing Tom who was now lounging near the head.

Well, now or never.

"Are you a vampire?" Harry blurted.

Well, shit. Could have done that with a bit more class, Potter.

Tom seemed shocked by the question, because he didn't answer and chose instead to stare at Harry, blinking frequently.

Harry decided to save himself from humiliation. "Uh, that would make no sense if you actually aren't. A few months ago you read a book on creature inheritances in the library and even though you may not even be a creature I dunno you give me vampire vibes." Harry took a deep breath. "So, are you?"

Once again, Tom hesitated before answered. "You're gorgeous when you ramble."

In response, Harry's cheeks burned. Merlin, no matter how many times he did it, Harry would never get used to Tom's complimenting him.

"That doesn't answer my question!" Harry complained.

He was sure Tom could sense his embarrassment, because the Slytherin smirked.

"Close, but not quite."

Hearing that, Harry groaned and flopped back on the bed once again. "You aren't a vampire? And I preached to my friends that you were? Bloody hell, they're never going to let me live this down."

Tom chuckled and repositioned himself so he was leaning over Harry's lying figure, looming over his head. They made eye contact, staring lovingly, before Tom leaned down and shared a kiss.

When they parted, he smiled. "You were very close, though. Do you know what demons are?"

Although it was hard with his position, Harry nodded. "I ended up reading some of that book that you had read in the library. Well, I read the vampire section and it said demons were similar, so I guess I know about demons." He paused. "Wait. Are you..?"

The Slytherin seemed to know what Harry was talking about, because he nodded. "I have a demon inheritance. It's very alike vampires, so I'm not shocked you were slightly off."

Harry pouted and reached his hand up, going to the back of Tom's neck to play with the hairs at the base of his scalp, causing his boyfriend to close his eyes.

"I was so sure!" He complained, before looking at Tom with half-lidded eyes. "Can you show me?"

Tom looked at him with soft eyes before leaning down and pressing another kiss to Harry's lips— which, y'know, the Gryffindor wasn't complaining about. It wasn't an answer, but if Tom kept kissing him, Harry was sure he wouldn't care.

When they parted, Harry's eyes fluttered open to see that Tom had turned into his creature mid-kiss.

On top of his smooth forehead, Tom had grown two large and thick horns, curling slightly at the top. Harry assumed that they had been angled in such a way that they didn't touch Harry as they kissed.

Trailing his eyes down, Harry gasped when he saw the deep red eyes that he had seen fleetingly before gazing back at him. It would have been intimidating if they weren't looking at him with so much love.

Harry blushed at all the sentiment. This moment was truly domestic.

"Wow," was all Harry could say. He reached up and lightly grabbed a horn, feeling the slight ridges. It was like he was entranced— it was so mesmerizing, and so interesting, and...

He had just grabbed Tom's horn without consent. Yikes.

"Fuck, Tom, I'm so sorry for that," Harry rushed, releasing the horns. "I— I didn't notice what I was doing."

When Harry implored at Tom's face, looking for forgiveness, he instead saw eyes half-lidded in pleasure and a mouth that was hanging slightly open.

The sound of his voice seemed to take Tom out of his stupor, though, because he quickly shook himself out of it by collapsing next to Harry onto his side.

When Harry turned onto his side to face him, Tom smiled. "Don't worry about it. It felt really good. Warn me before you do it, though? Just so I know why I suddenly feel so euphoric."

Harry blushed but nodded against the awkward way his head was placed.

Deciding the sway the conversation, Harry trailed his eyes around the room. "So... the room to yourself. When did that happen?" He asked, repeating his earlier question.

"I got it in January, the day after I came into my inheritance," Tom answered.

Harry hummed. "Nice. Why didn't you tell me about it? We could have... hung out," he said.

With his sly grin and suggestive eyes, Harry made sure Tom know exactly what he meant.

Sure enough, Tom smirked. "You're a cheeky little minx," he stated, flicking Harry's nose. "I didn't tell you because I knew I'd have to tell you why and I didn't want to lie to you. I wanted the relationship to be more stable when I told you about my inheritance— of course, this situation was the best, because you already know. Almost knew, to be exact."

Harry rubbed at his nose, pouting. "Fuck off, I totally knew! Sure, I was a little off, but vampires and demons are similar, aren't they? The only difference is that you don't drink blood."

Tom chuckled. "Well, that's not exactly true. Demons can drink blood. I have before, actually— woah!"

Mid-sentence, Harry leapt onto Tom, forcing the Slytherin onto his back as he straddled his torso, using his thumbs to pull back Tom's upper lip.

"There's no way you don't have vampire in you!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm looking for the fangs. But they're not big."

Tom blinked up at him, obviously shocked that Harry's fingers were prodding at his teeth, but Harry didn't care. He had to be right.

All of a sudden, Tom's hands grabbed Harry's wrists and flipped them over so he could be on top, while pinning Harry's hands down to the bed.

He leaned in and nipped at Harry's ear. "I'm a demon, Harry. In more ways than one, I can assure you."

Harry.exe has stopped working.

Holy shit, Tom bit his ear. Godric, why did that feel so good? It made Harry sink into the bed, goosebumps forming on the back of his neck and eyes lolling backwards. It felt right, having Tom's hot breath so close to him, having a hold on him...

He should probably stop that train of thought before he has to rush to the washroom.

Tom suddenly righted himself, taking his hands off Harry's wrists to prop himself on the bed instead. "Fuck, sweetheart, that was probably out of line. I shouldn't have—"

"If you're the demon, then am I your angel?" Harry questioned, interrupting Tom. He blinked up at his boyfriend innocently with a smile, showing how he didn't think Tom had crossed a line.

In response, Tom smiled and cupped Harry's cheek with his warm palm, leaning down to press their foreheads against each other. "Of course, you're my angel."

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