Chapter 15

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A/N still mourning over Beth's death.

<Daryl's POV>

They scream in pain. Nth Glenn and Beth were shot. Beth in the thigh and Glenn on his side. Maggie and Carol are attempting to clean the wounds. Not to mention Carol is another problem.

Before we split up Carol and I had a thing together. I just hope she isn't to hurt when she finds out about Beth and I.

"Glenn please hold still I have to get the bullet out,"Maggie pleads. Tears drop from her cheeks onto Glenn's shirt. I knell next to Glenn and hold him down. Maggie nods her thanks and tries again to pull the bullet out of Glenn's side.

"I can't get it!"She yells in frustration. Glenn musters up all his force and grabs her hand.

"It's okay," he says forcing a smile. I pull Maggie away into the train car corner.

"What happens if you don't get that bullet out?" I say. My fist tightens around her arm slightly unintentionally. I release my hand and only then does she start talking.

Through tears she says, "Blood poising will surround the wound and then expand until it reaches his heart." I freeze knowing what happens after that. Maggie doesn't have to tell me. Beth's scream pulls my attention back into focus.

"I got it!" Carol chants. She drops the blood soaked bullet from her hand and I hear Beth mumble a weak thanks. I rip the sleeves of my flannel and tie it around her bullet wound and then cautiously proceed it wrapping Glenn's as well. Once they are both sitting up against the train car wall we all sit in a circle and start discussing what comes next.

"Okay so from what we saw on the way in here there are two exits close to this train car, the problem is the guards," Rick points out.

"We need to know their positions," Tyreese explains.

"No we just need to know when their shifts switch that way there is a brief moment of distraction," Michonne offers. Sasha nods in agreement.

"All in favor?" Bob questions. We all raise our hands except for Lizzie, Mika, Carl, and Judith who are sitting in the far corner. I dread thinking about how they have to grow up on this life. It eats away at my very soul. We plan all night until we are happy with our results tomorrow the plan begins. One person will escape from the box when the people of terminus bring our food and then they stay out until they can see what time the guards shifts change. We just have to hope phase one of our plan goes smoothly.

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