Start from the beginning


Looking at the top of her laptop screen she decided on getting some rest, she and the girls had another shitty party tomorrow and she did not want to miss it even it was the same old scenery.

If it opened up another door to getting fucked by some hot south side boy: she was in, it had been a while.

Her last boyfriend or fuck buddy had been at summer camp the previous year when she was fifteen. It had been her last year there and her only year without Mike.

It was then that she finally had decided she was old enough to have a summer fling.

His name had been Tye and his whole image had been built on fuck boy material.

Oh yea, he had the blue eyes and blonde hair the type that you could vividly compare to golden wheat fields, that swept over his thick brows and of course he had freckles resembling beautiful night sky constellations to accompany the look.

He was a walking goddess to all girls that summer but El had only been interested in one thing and one thing only.

Fucking him.

The lights in El's bedroom were dim as she lay on her side in the foetal position, her body engulfed by the warmth of her duvet. Her eyes couldn't help but flutter open however as she accepted falling asleep that night would be hard.

There was only one logical thing to do.
El got out of her bed her bare feet tapping against the cold wooden floor sending chills through her body.

She steadied her breath before padding into the next room.

The guest room.

When she had reached the door she froze contemplating if this was a good idea or not, but nevertheless ignored her thoughts and knocked on the oak door.

There was a momentary pause but soon the door opened revealing mike. His hair untamed and his posture slumped.

"Hey...I um..."
El hesitated her mind suddenly going blank at the sight of seeing him. She opened her mouth and closed it unable to think of what to say next

Mike prompted her after her sentence had suddenly come to a halt.
He smiled, she was pretty cute and even more so when she had gone blank.

"I...you want to...watch a movie, um downstairs ?" El weakly responded.

Mike leaned forward putting his hands on the girls dainty shoulders. He heard her breath hitch as they made body contact.
"Why didn't you just say so...buttercup ?"


El had remembered that nickname.

At summer camp when they were six and seven, el had fallen over while running through the tall grass, that by the end of the day would have you scratching at your skin. Inconveniently, she had grazed her knee on a small rock and tears had streamed down her beautiful porcelain face and sweet cheeks. Mike had no idea what to do and so picked a near by buttercup and handed it to her. He kneeled down on the floor with her and kissed he knee gently, by this point her tears had stopped and a beautiful smile stretched over her perfect lips.
Which by the way, still looked as soft as they had felt.
It was then that he had started singing sweetly to make her feel better.
"why do you build me up Buttercup, baby just to let my down, and mess me around? And then worst of all..."
El had remembered smiling sweetly and gently leaning in to peck him on the lips, she pulled back, both children surprised but none the less grinned.
It wasn't long before the other children had joined catching their little moment and teasing them for it. For the rest of that day had been filled with teasing, fun and games and youthful spirits.

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