Mixed Match Challenge

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Liv: Since we never really got to know each other is Oliver your real name or is it just your wrestling name?

Oliver: Oliver Pierce is my real name.

Liv: What's your middle name?

Oliver: James. You want my social security number too? Seems like you're trying to steal my identity.

Liv: Very funny, I'm just trying to get to know you a little more bro.

Oliver: I'm just playing with you, is Liv your real name?

Liv: Nope, my real name is Gionna Daddio.

Oliver: That's a real pretty name, your last name is pretty cool too. What's your middle name?

Liv: Thanks. I'm not going to tell you. You have to guess.

Oliver: Fine, just tell me if I guess it right.

Liv: Alright go for it.

Oliver: Grace, Rebecca, Nicole, Amber, Angela, Ashley, Stephanie, Sarah.

Liv: Nope none of those are right.

Oliver: I give up just tell me.

Liv: My full name is Gionna Jene Daddio.

Oliver: That was totally my next guess.

Liv: I'm sure it was Oliver.

Oliver: Do you still want me to call you Liv?

Liv: It don't matter. I'll answer to Liv, Gionna, G, Daddio whatever you want to call me.

Oliver: I think I'll stick with Liv since that's how I met you

Liv: That's fine with me.

Oliver: When's your birthday?

Liv: June 8th. When's yours?

Oliver: February 3rd. 

Liv: Favorite color?

Oliver: Blue.

Liv: Mine too, favorite wrestler?

Oliver: Easy, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Liv: Mine is Shawn Michaels.

Oliver: Dream opponent?

Liv: Lita, she was always my favorite. What about yours?

Oliver: I'd go with Kurt Angle. He was the first wrestler I ever met as a kid and I've always been a fan.

Liv: Nice, so how's things with you and Lexi?

Oliver: Good I guess, we're going on our first date later this week. How are things with your boyfriend?

Liv: Aww that's cute. We've been having our issues a little bit. We actually just got back together a few weeks ago. We've been on and off since Mania but we're okay now. I think that part of the reason why Tony and I have issues is because our lives are so crazy we really don't see each other much. Ruby and Sarah hate him but I like him.

Oliver: As long as you like him that's all that matters. Now I don't think that's very true. If you truly love someone you'll make time for them. I do agree it is hard to keep a relationship doing what we do. At the same time if it's meant to be then it'll be.

Liv: I mean I like him but he never wants to do anything I like. He never does anything sweet for me and he always talks crap about what I do because he thinks wrestling is fake.

Oliver: Seems like you picked a real winner. Seriously though it sounds to me like you're not really happy with him.

Liv: I honestly don't know how I feel. I always end up with guys like this, I always get treated like crap. For some reason I always stay with them until I get hurt really bad because I'm afraid to be alone.

Oliver: You're not alone Gionna. You have Ruby and Sarah they're always going to be by your side. You got me now too I won't let you feel alone ever.

Liv: You mean that?

Oliver: I promise.

Liv: Pinky promise?

Liv sticks out her pinky and I stick mine out and we lock our pinkies together.

Oliver: I pinky promise.

Liv: You can't go back on your word now we just did a pinky promise.

Oliver: I don't plan on it.

Liv: Well that makes me feel a lot better.

*Smack down*

Tonight, we have our first match in the Mix Match Challenge. We're going against Mandy and Dolph which is a match I've been looking forward too since Mandy and I have been friends for a while and I've always wanted to get in the ring with Dolph. Our match is on in the middle of the show tonight so I'm sitting around with Sonya and Mandy talking since I don't know when we'll see each other again.


Dolph and Mandy make their way out to the ring first. Then my music hits and I make my way down and as I'm half way down the ramp Liv makes her way down. Once we get into the ring Dolph and I start the match off, we lock up and he's using his amateur wrestling background while I'm using my MMA background. We're both trying to get each other to tap but neither one of us will budge. I tagged Liv in and she went straight for Mandy taking her down.

*End of match*

Dolph made a blind tag on Mandy as she was running off the ropes so now Dolph and I are legal. Liv hit Mandy with the 201 Face breaker and then I connected with the Flatliner on Dolph and we picked up the victory. After the match we went backstage and Dolph and I shook hands.

Dolph: You did good out there kid. You got a bright future ahead of you keep working hard.

Oliver: Thanks Dolph, it means a lot coming from a vet like you.

Mandy and I shared a hug then I went to shower. After I showered I met Liv in the parking lot and we went to the airport to fly back to Orlando.

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