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Shigaraki wakes up to the front door opening and Izuku walking in. Shigaraki looks at the time to see it's 9:43 at night. Shigaraki stares as she walks into the kitchen and pours herself a glass of wine. Shigaraki gets up and follows her. "Where did you go?" he asks. Izuku ignores him and downs the drink. He steps closer before she sets the glass in the sink. Izuku goes to her room in silence. Shigaraki follows and finds her passed out in her bed. He sighs and lays next to her and rubs her back gently. He sighs and closes his eyes again from stress.

Shigaraki woke up to the sound of clithes ruffling. He gets up and looks over to see Izuku packing clothes. He sits up and watches her walk back and forth between her dresser and a suitcase. "What are you doing?" he asks staring blankly. Izuku ignores him and grabs her laptop. Shigaraki starts getting angry. "Izu just tell me." he begs and she doesn't listen. He sits up. "Izuku tell me where you're going now." he says. Izuku continues to ignore him. "No you are not ignoring me anymore!" he yells and Izuku stops. She looks up and he stares. "Just tell me." he says. Izuku looks away. "Fine if you aren't speaking to me then I'm leaving too!" he yells grabbing his clothes. "No wait!" Izuku says and Shigaraki ignores her, heading towards the door. Izuku follows. "Please I'm sorry!" she says and he opens the front door. "Tomura! I'm pregnant!!" she yells and he stops. His mouth falls slightly agaoe and turns around. Izuku had tears streaming down her cheeks. "You''re pregnant?" he stares. Izuku sighs. "I'm pregnant...with your child." she says. Shigaraki stays quiet, his face blank and pale. Izuku cries more from his silence and sits down. "Do you hate me?" she sobs lightly. Shigaraki slowly walks over and sits across from her. "No. I don't hate you. I just....I can't believe I'm having your baby." he smiles. Izuku looks up. "Do you mean that?" she asks. He nods. Izuku sighs from relief and starts to calm down. "I'm sorry...when I left I was in a mood. But I looked up why I was feeling that such weird timing. And I saw that pregnancy was a reason...when I thought about the mood swings and the morning that I puked..I took a test..when it said positive I took four more...all came out positive..I didn't know how to tell you so I thought I should leave for a bit until I was ready..but I told you now so.." Izuku explains. Shigaraki scoots close to her and hugs her. "I'm sorry." he says. "Its not your fault..I'm sorry I tried to run off instead of tell you." she says. Shigaraki kisses her head and they cuddle.

After the secret was revealed, Shigaraki makes breakfast and serves it to him and Izuku. As they eat Izuku smiles up at him and drinks orange juice instead of coffee. Shigaraki notices and looks up. Izuku looks up to. "What? Do I have something on my face?" she asks, attempting to wipe off what isn't there. "No its not that you remember last night?" he asks. Izuku nods. "Yeah why?" she asks. " drank a glass of wine last night." he says and Izuku stares. "I know...can you stop me from doing that next time?" she asks. Shigaraki nods and smiles. He gently sets his hand over hers and rubs his thumb over the soft back of her hand.

Naughty Me~ (Tomura x Fem Deku)(slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now