"Knock...knock it off," Asami murmured weakly, her cheeks bright red. Korra shrugged and pressed herself close again. Between her legs her member stirred ever more and she pressed it insistently between the human's thighs. Asami bit her bottom lip. "Korra I'm warning you! If you put that monster any closer to my...my, you know, you'll fucking regret it?" Her you know? What's that? Is that what you call the thing between a girls leg over here? Daddy said they were called vagina's...She didn't know what to do. What would this girl do to her? Now reassured, she shoved herself fully into the girl., sighing with sudden pleasure. It...it felt so good and hot. Meanwhile the girl underneath her began to scream and writhe; her eyes were filled with an abominable anger. "Korra!" She gasped angrily, she pulled her arm up, and pressed a silver thing on her wrist.

And then all Korra knew was agony. She fell backwards, clutching her head, as waves of unimaginable pain filled her! She snarled, her eyesight blurred with pain, she recognized this pain. It was like before, but far worse! She slammed her hands down on her skull, she'd do anything to stop the pain. Asami seized her by the silver thing around her neck. "What won't you do Korra!? Tell me what you did wrong and I'll stop the pain," she hissed in the wolf's ear. Her voice was cold. Far colder than it ever had been. She sobbed weakly. "What won't you do. Tell me and I'll stop the pain, Korra!"

"I won't go inside you," She panted hard, pulling at her hair. "I won't mate with you. I won't touch you! I won't make pups with you!" She roared.

The pain ceased abruptly with the tap of Asami's silver wrist, she choked in sudden freedom, her face was soaked. Her pride was further destroyed. What the hell did this woman want from her? What did she want?! She fell against the ground. "You'll wear boxers," Asami said, Korra watched her wince as she grabbed a robe and covered herself. Why was she in pain? Did Korra not bring her pleasure? Korra suddenly remembered when her father told her how unclaimed females got hurt when their lover put it in. Korra scented blood and she had a feeling what she just did was very awful. She took this girls innocence...she had thought because the girl was so pretty, surely she had... "You'll cover that disgusting thing up from now on." Why was Asami crying? No, not exactly crying but her eyes were watering slightly. "I don't want to see it. Attendant, bring her home when you've got clothes. I want a suit, boxers, and her hair done. I fully expect that when she returns she will be in full attire," And without another word, she was gone.

Korra had never felt so ashamed.


Asami's anger still hadn't dwindled by the time her personal servants brought Korra home on a leash. However, she had to admit the girl looked wonderful. Even in her rage Asami acknowledged that. Garbed in a black suit, with a blue dress shirt neatly underneath. The collar of the loose was shirt, displaying the blue metal shock collar around her neck with white triangles upon it. She wore it well. It had been tailed just for her afterall. The only thing she regretted was that those muscles weren't on display... She smirked when she noticed the girl looked uncomfortable. She flicked her hand in a gesture for the attendant to leave. When the woman did, she narrowed her eyes.

"I apologize for my earlier behavior. I...I don't know how to court a female over here. Where I'm from you jump the females you like and mate with them. And I had no idea you weren't claimed and that it would hurt." She choked on her breath, "You're just so beautiful and I...I was just so excited that I-" Asami stood. Korra's blue eyes flickered to her fiery emeralds as she neared. She backed away slightly then paused when Asami held her face gently. She had expected a slap...

"I understand. I do. You've learned your lesson, I hope?"

"I want to mate you," Korra said insistently, eyes furrowed in determination, "Tell me how. You smell better than anything I've ever smelled. You tasted so good.."

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