Episode 23: Loveable

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Karma's POV


I pulled back.

Karma:"Why did you actually freaked like that, you never do?"

Amy:"When people insult me I don't really care, but no one insults someone I love"

She grabbed my hand.

Amy:"Look, I've already hurt you, I can't let anyone else hurt you more"

Karma:"Amy, you're not the only one who has done some messed up things, what I did with Liam was unacceptable and-"

Amy:"Don't, you have nothing to say sorry for, understand?"

I nodded. She kissed me softly.

Amy:"Look, we are going to spend the rest of our lives together and no one is going to ruin that"

Karma:"But what if I ruin it, what if I do something stupid again?"

Amy:"You could never do something stupid"

She put her hand on my cheek.

Amy:"You're mine, forever and always"

She leaned in to kiss me but her phone rang.

Steward:"Madam you have to turn your phone off"

Amy nodded. She looked at her phone and put it away quikly.

Karma:"Who was that?"

Amy:"Uhm, my - my-"


She nodded.

Amy:"I told her I loved you but, I think I didn't tell her the right way"

She looked upset.

Karma:"Amy, you are the most loveable person on Earth, I am sure she-"

Amy:"What I did, was so wrong on so many levels, I told her she was just my-my escape from you"


Amy:"She was there to pick up the pieces and I just, I treated her like dirt"

Karma:"No Amy, you were confused, that's all"

Amy:"I hate myself"

I hugged her.

Karma:"You are everything but not a horrible person, do you understand me?"

She looked in my eyes. I kissed her softly. We pulled away but our faces stayed close to each other. Her warm breath felt tingly on my skin.

Amy:"I love you"

Karma:"I love you too"

Her hands intertwined mine. She smiled at me and we looked at each other, we saw each other. We saw each other's souls. She put her hand on my cheek.

Amy:"How do you do this?"

Karma:"Do what?"

Amy:"Make me fall for you more everyday"

Karma:"I don't know, practise makes perfect"

I smiled at her and she kissed me softly. I held her hand. Lauren suddenly stood next to me.

Lauren:"Where were you guys?"

Karma:"Uhm long story"

Lauren:"Well, you left us there, we want to join you"

Amy:"Sorry Lauren, only two passengers allowed"


She went back to her seat.

Amy:"Where were we"

She kissed me, I deepened the kiss. Her hair fell on my face, the soft touch of it made me smile.

Amy:"What are you smiling about?"


I kissed her again. After that she laid on my shoulder and we watched 'The Holiday' together. After what seemed as a short flight we arrived at New York, Amy had planned to go to L.A. but she wanted to show me New York as well. I liked to travel the world with her.

Amy:"Ready Mrs. Ashcroft?"

Karma:"Wasn't it Mrs. Raudenfeld from now"

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