Episode 14: Fall dance

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Karma's POV


I had fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes it was day. I turned around to Amy, who was still asleep. I watched her sleeping, but suddenly without opening her eyes.

Amy:"Are you staring again?"

Karma:"Uhm no"

She opened her eyes. She had a smirk on her face.


She kissed me. I pulled her closer to me. She pulled back. I pouted.

Amy:"I am sorry gorgeous but if you want me to have a nice dress tonight I have to buy a dress"

Karma:"You can also come in your donut shirt if you stay with me"

I smirked.

Amy:"Come on, I have to get ready, I'll drop you off"

Karma:"I'll get ready after you've changed, you know I like to watch you struggle"

I smiled at her.

Amy:"Okay gorgeous"

She kissed my forehead and started to get dressed. I zoned out while watching Amy, I imagined what it would be like to marry her. It would be the best wedding ever,  everyone could wear casual clothing and we would have a donut cake, for Amy of course.


As always I day dreamed when  I was with Amy.


Amy:"Are you gonna stand up or do I have to get you out of bed?"

Karma:"Well the second one would be nice"

She smiled and came next to me.

Amy:"If you get up, I will give you a kiss"

I literally flew out of bed. She smiled at me and removed some hair out of my face.


She kissed me, but this was so different, it felt more magical than it ever felt like. I felt her heartbeat through our kiss.

Amy:"So should I match my tie to your dress?"

She was joking, she was so corny. But that's what I love about her. She took me home and I asked Shane to help me with picking out my dress.


Amy's POV


After I dropped off Karma I picked up my mom from her work and drove us to the mall.

Farrah:"So how are you and Karma doing?"

Amy:"Good, I think, yeah we're good"

Farrah:"So I thought we could go to that small store near grandma"

I nodded. While we were walking I saw people whispering to each other when I walked by. My mom went onto a store and I waited outside. "Amy?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around to see Reagan.

Amy:"Yeah, hi"

Reagan:"I just wanted to apologise for everything, it wasn't my secret to tell"

Amy:"I get it, it also wasn't yours to keep"

Reagan:"Look I just really like you, you are different and I thought we had a con-"

Amy:"No we don't"

Reagan:"I'm just saying, if you and Karma don't work out, call me"

Amy:"We will work out don't worry"

Farrah:"Amy is everything okay?"

Amy:"Yes Reagan was just leaving"

Reagan:"Uhm yes, bye Amy"

She left.

Farrah:"Who was that?"

Amy:"No one, just a friend"

Farrah:"Well let's get you a dress"

My mom and I looked for 3 hours until we found the right dress. It was a white dress with lace, not like a wedding dress but simpler. I was so excited for this evening. I bet Karma was just real chill about it all. I went home to get ready when I heard a knock on the door. It w as Karma in a red dress, her hair in a braid. She was simply stunning.

Karma:"Hi is Amy re-"

She looked up to me, with her mouth wide open.

Amy:"It's not polite to stare honey"

Karma:"Amy you look... you look.."

Amy:"You look gorgeous Karma"

Karma:"You look beautiful Amy, my princess sarcasm"

She smiled at me, shedding a tear. My mom stood in the room.

Farrah:"Well get a little closer I want a picture of you two"

I put my arm around Karma, it felt like homecoming last year, but this was so more advanced, we've been together for a year now.

Farrah:"Have fun darling"

She kissed my cheek and waved us goodbye. I was walking to my car when Karma stopped me.

Amy:"What are you doing?"

Karma:"That's not our ride, this is"

She pointed at a Mini Cooper , which was my favourite car in the world.

Amy:"Are you kidding me?"

Karma:"I rented it for tonight, I know how much you love this car"

Amy:"I love you even more"

I pulled her towards me and kissed her. Our bodies pressed onto each other so firmly that I could feel her body temperature rise.

Karma:"Amy, I am so sorry for everything that happened, but I meant what I said, you're the first one I loved, you'll be the last and there will be no inbetween"

I put my hand on her cheek while trying to cover my tears with a smile. We got in the car and drove to school where everyone was waiting for our arrival. I saw Lauren standing next to Theo, who was her new boyfriend, I didn't know him but he seemed nice. Karma's parents were there as the catering, I know Karma didn't lie that but I tried to make her feel comfortable. As we got out everyone started to cheer and clap their hands but Karma was just looking at me and I was just looking at her. Everyone cheered:"Kiss, kiss, kiss" I looked at Karma.

Karma:"Let's give them what they want"

She pulled me into a kiss, holding her hand on my back. Suddenly there was someone next to us.

Shane:"Girls! You two look fab together!"

He hugged me. But not Karma, was there something going on. Karma held my hand, nervously while we were walking to the dance floor.

Dj:"So some people requested this song for our couple of the year, Karma, Amy we love you"

They started playing "Just a Little Bit of You're heart". Karma held my waist and wrapped my hands on her shoulder.


Amy:"Yes gorgeous?'

Karma:"This was the song you kissed me to"

Amy:"I know"

I leaned in and kissed her, and it felt like we were the only ones there.

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