The Dinner

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    It had been the past evening when Jane Adler had met Sam Carmichael and she just couldn't get him out of her head. She was now laying in bed trying to read a book in the morning, but every time she started to concentrate her mind would think of Sam again. His attitude and his appearence. Both things were just what she needed. His suave accent and his body. My God, she had never been with a man so handsome and manly like him. She smiled just with the thought. 

    She knew Sam was not an egocentric man that was only chasing her to get into her bed. She knew he wasn't like that, his respectful ways were one of his best qualities. But she still had doubts; Why would such a handsome, interesting man would want her?, when there were millions of pretty young things that he could go out with.The truth was she didn't know, and she felt special for that.

   She tried to read for awhile more but gave up and decided to just turn on the tv. She looked for a movie and  found one of her favorite, (The bodyguard), to watch. The movie was about halfway through when a message came into her phone.

   "Good morning Beautiful, I am looking forward to seeing you for dinner. Have a nice day." She was thrilled to receive the message. She loved those guys that were sweet and detailed. And Sam was just that, which is why she liked him so much. She has been so exited since yesterday. She decided to reply, she didn't want to make him think she was uninterested.

   "Good Morning Handsome. I am also very exited to seeing you tonight. Have a wonderful day"  After she responded to the message she got the sudden rush to get off of bed and do something. She didn't have to work today and she had a lot of excess energy. She decided to go out and do something in the garden. She had been planting and taking out the bad roots when she heard the door leading to the patio open and her friend Trisha walking over to her.

"Hey Janey."

"Hey sweetie, What are you doing here ?" 

"Just came to drop by and say hi. " Trisha standed there for a moment just looking at Jane."You want some help."

"Oh no Honey. I was just finishing up. I have been planting since early."

"Early? How long have you been here?"

"Like 2 hours." At this she saw her friends eyes pop up in amazement.

  "You only work so long when your mad or EXTREMELY happy. And your clearly not mad. So what has you so happy?" Trisha said kneeling down next to her.

"I have a date." Jane said looking up smiling. She really was exited about the date. She felt happiness just thinking about it.

   "Honey that's great!!!!  You haven't been in one in years. Literally . She looked over to see her friends stare."I'm kidding ,but who is he?"

   "His name is Sam. Carmichael. He is divorced and has two sons. I met him yesterday at the bakery and we talked for a while. But before he left he asked me out to dinner." Jane said looking at Trisha with a smile.

" Have you told any of the girls.?"

   "No but I was sure gonna bring it up in our next gathering." She said giving Trisha a teasing smile. "Come on inside we can keep talking and you can also help me pick what to wear tonight because I have no idea." She got up and walked inside with Trisha beside her.


"You want some tea or something?" Jane asked Trisha once they were inside and had settled in the stools in the kitchen. 

"Some tea would be nice" Trisha said. And Jane got up to serve her the cup they talked for awhile more before going into Jane's room.

"So what do you think I should wear. Dress? Skirt? or Pants?" Jane said walking over to her closet while Trisha sat down in a chair close to her closet.

Sam and Jane- Mamma Mia and It's Complicated Crossover _Could this be love?Where stories live. Discover now