"You need a bath," I said.

"Really? I'm surprised you even noticed," Geralt said sarcastically.

"The Fierce Fox bringing out a new side of Geralt...I like it," Jaskier smiled.

"You want something???" I hinted.

"I've made you both famous. By rights, I should be claiming ten percent of all your coin, but instead, what I'm asking for is a teeny, teeny weeny little favor"

"Fvck off, bard," Geralt groaned.

As I drank my ale, Jaskier shot a look at me and I knew what he wanted from us.

"Hear him out, at least," I sighed.

He grunted out of annoyance as I went upstairs to prepare his bath. I was leaving the room when I walked into Geralt who was still covered in selkiemore guts.

"You did that on purpose," I argued.

"You left me with Jaskier," he argued.

"Just be grateful that I needed a bath anyway," I said.

I left to bathe in another room and Jaskier respectfully entered my room to give me clean clothing. Then, he went to take care of Geralt in the other room when I noticed Jaskier brought me an expensive blue dress to wear.


I went over to Geralt's room where I showed off the dress to them.

"Why am I wearing this?" I asked.

"We're going to a royal betrothal to protect Jaskier," Geralt said.

"I'm sorry but you do know people believe I'm a mage, right?" I reminded them.

"I'm sure they'll make an exception for the Fierce Fox," Jaskier argued.


"You look beautiful, let's go," Geralt complemented.

I rolled my eyes as we were off to the party where I noticed the stares piercing my way.

"You should've let me stay at the inn.....they look like they haven't seen a woman before," I said.

"Where's the fun in that?! Besides, Geralt will more likely protect you than me," Jaskier said.

Suddenly, a man recognized Geralt and he took my hand.

"You must be Valyria of Eliona, the Fierce Fox, I am Mousesack.....it's a pleasure meeting you"

"The pleasure is all mine, Mousesack," I smirked.

"Now, how did you get a woman as beautiful as her to join you on these hunts?" Mousesack asked.

"She's the only female witcher we have so we've known each other for a long time," Geralt said.

"Oh, I'll keep my hands off of her," he promised.

"Please, it'll be a miracle for Geralt to claim me as his woman," I teased.

"Very funny, Ria," Geralt said.

"I like her.....quite the opposite of you and your personality," Mousesack smiled.

"Just remember, she's been trained well as a witcher," he reminded him.

Geralt and Mousesack continued their conversation as I grabbed some ale and drank when Queen Calanthe arrived for the Royal Betrothal of her daughter. I was beyond bored at the party when Queen Calanthe asked Geralt to sit at her table when Mousesack came by to talk.

"You and Geralt are bounded by destiny.....I sensed it when we met earlier; I don't know how the bond came to be but it's strong, I've never felt anything like it," Mousesack mentioned.

"Do you know what the Hybrid is?" I asked.

"A child born with infinite power.....some say he or she is the key to maintaining true power within the kingdoms while others believe he or she will destroy the Continent," he answered.

"What do you think of it?"

"That your parents made the right decision in keeping you away from all of the kingdoms especially Nilfgaard," Mousesack stated.

"What does that mean?!" I questioned.

"Your mother wasn't just any mage.....she was the future Queen of Cintra that a seer foretold would give birth to the Hybrid and the Nilfgaardian king believed his son would be the one to bear the child with her but little he realize the infamous immortal witcher was his bastard brother and second heir to the throne," he revealed quietly.

"I shouldn't have come then," I sighed.

"Most certainly but Geralt seems to be your guardian so knowing him, you'll be able to leave peacefully," Mousesack stated.

Suddenly, a new contender came for Princess Pavetta's hand in marriage.

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