Bad Blood

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Bad Blood

It’s better not to love me.

My heart it too fickle

like ocean water overwhelming

sand castles and trust and my face

your hands.  Don’t touch me.

Your kisses burn already scorched skin.

I don’t deserve it.

Kindness wasted trying to tame

my feral soul and ravenous spirit.

I don’t want you.

I want him. 

He won’t love me like you.

He’ll steal my flesh. 

Nip my neck with teeth

tug on my bottom lip.

I hope his touch will leave bruises.

I don’t deserve gentle, sweetness

hold my waist tell me I’m beautiful.

I’m not.  I’m pretty

insecure and psychotic.

I’m bad blood and chipped nail polish

fingernails clawing his spine

hands tearing apart your heart.

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